Forgive (Oneshot)

387 4 11

I got this idea while talking with my pal Slenderverse_Stories.
Also, yes this is a poly ship, and it's my first time doing something like this.

Chris x Alex (DH) x Noah

     I stand there frozen, watching the scene in front of me happen. All this was going to be, was a quick in and out. We already didn't want to anger the Order more then we've already did. Yet, I guess whatever Noah did, was enough to set them off. I just didn't expect to watch a fight happen after it all calmed down.
    I stand there, while their words go right past my head. Nothing could stick in my head longer then a second, as my mind goes completely blank. It was as if, someone clouded my whole brain. Put it into sleep mode, so it wouldn't work.
    The outside world gets fuzzy, as I couldn't hear their voices slowly get louder. I never did like it when people yell, especially when people fought each other. Then, you watch the two people that are in a way special to you, at each other's throats. It hurts you in a way, you never thought was possible. These two guys, mean the world to me, and it breaks my heart watching this go down. I don't even know what was the point I had enough, but I'm pretty sure I now what caused me to lash out.
   I'm not one of those people, that join in fights for no reason. The only way I get myself involved, is if I know that in my heart, something bad will happen. Through my eyes, I see Alex push Noah onto the ground out of rage. Something in my mind clicked, and the power turned back on.
   "Alex, what the hell are you doing?" I yell at our boyfriend, as his face turns pale. My face turns stern, as I give him a glare. I go over to were Noah is on the ground, and offer him my hand. It didn't take long, for his hand to reach mine.
    Once he's standing on his feet, I try not to turn my gaze towards Alex. Knowing that he probably was feeling guilty for what he just done. Noah keeps his eyes on the ground, not bothering to look up to either of us. I get it that it would be hard to talk to someone that just yelled at you. Yet, we don't have time to stand here and do nothing.
    I shuffle out a sigh, then cough as some dust goes into my mouth. "Guys." I start, as I try to get a view of both of them. A guilty looking soul, and a boy that's been broken many times. "We cant stay here for much longer, we need to apologize and get going. Who knows if the Order even nows we're we are right know."
   Alex turns his attention to me, and musters out a silent sentence. I almost didn't even hear what he said, until it processed in my mind. "I promised that I would protect both of you, and I already broke it." I open my mouth, but I'm unable to form any words. Noah kicks at the ground a bit, as he turns his body away from the both of us.
    I still don't get how we can go from, three guys that would do anything for each other. To looking at each other like, we are some strange species. I know in our heads, we still love each other, yet it doesn't look like it on the outside.
    "Is this it?" My words tumble around a bit, as I couldn't get the other two to look at me. "Is this seriously it? I know both you better then this, and you guys wouldn't be acting like this. So what, we have said some regrettable things. Yet, don't you both remember the good times? Like, maybe when we went to the zoo together." A small smile comes to my lips, as the memory goes through my head.
    The memories were always my favourite thing. Especially when I would fall asleep in their arms, and replay them in my mind. So, I'm not going to let all of those memories go to waste. Just because of someone's anger problems.
    "Noah, I now that Alex said some hurtful things, and he did hurt you. Yet, you did say you would be with us till the end." I see him lift his head up, and look back and forth between me and Alex. It was as if, he was trying to choose what was the best path. Leaving everything he worked hard for, or going forward with it and not giving it up.
     The little opening of silence, echoes throughout the beachside. As I start to hear cars driving into the lot near us. Kids rushing out of the vehicles, yelling at their parents to hurry. In the corner of my eyes, I could see the other two looking at the blessed sight. The three of us always wanted to adopt some kids, after all of this Order and Collective stuff was passed over us.
     "Alex, Chris, we should leave before any of these people get hurt." I nod my head, as I grab the smol little boy into a hug. Noah wines out of annoyance, as I let out a small grin. "You can't stay mad at Alex forever, not when you are this adorable."
        Noahs cheeks turn red, as he try's to hide them in my chest. A laugh comes out of my lips, then I turn my gaze over to a sulking Alex. He takes a few steps towards us, then halts for a few seconds. I could mentally feel the gears turning in his head. Wondering if Noah was still a ticking time bomb, or if he was the innocent boy we both knew.
      I give him a look, then he starts up his steps again. In no time, he's hugging the both of us like the world was going to end tomorrow. Even if these two make me question myself some days, I know that we would always have each other's backs. Even if it seems like we hate each other, our love will never die.

Sorry for the long wait, and this being pretty Meh :/. Just dealing with some stuff atm. Hopefully it blows over soon, and I can get back to writing like I used to.

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