Hidden Feelings (Oneshot)

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This was originally posted as a separate Oneshot, but I've decided to put it here with the rest of them.

There will also be a part two, that wasn't posted in the other book this was in.

Noah x Observer

        Noah was stuck is this loop, that never seems to end. Memories that just turn into static, the more he asks for answers. Each question, just a whisper of their past selves. Running from creatures, from worlds that he never would've thought of. This is what they want him to do. To run in circles like his head was cut off of his body.
Repeating the same things, with no recollection of it. Being threatened, till he ends up scared of his own house. He lost most of his sanity, and blaming the little shadows that he sees in the corners of his eyes. Always haunting him, reminding him that they are always going to be there. They moved into his mind, so he grew used to it.
Then the notebook was given to him. He was so close to answers, yet so far. All he had to do was open the book, but he never had the courage to. Instead, he listened to the voices and got lost in a trance. Waking up, only just to go to the kitchen.
Already knowing that there will be a bottle there waiting for him. Each sip, led to a deep stinging to his already broken throat. He slowly lets the voices take control of him. He's tired of fighting everyone. The shadows, notebook, Mr. Slim, his other sides, and Observer.
He always thought of Observer as the worst of them. Yet, the more that he thinks, he's just gotten used to him. To the name calling, and telling him he failed. Also, the touches he didn't even have any recollection of. It's crazy to think of some type of demon, slowly taking up your mind. Maybe that's one of the main reasons he drinks. To deny how he feels, and fill his head with lies that the shadows tell. Each lie, takes control of his mind.
He has tried to tell others, yet they are as blind as him. Yet, no matter what he does, those damm glasses always return back to his brain. It's like, even the alcohol wants him to admit how he feels. He grips the bottle, and the bitterness of the alcohol lingers in his mouth. Trying to figure out which voice to listen to, can get tiring after awhile. It's either he wants the better voices, that feed him lies. Or the worser ones that tell him things that he knows that are true in his heart.
A sound of glass shattering was heard throughout the house, as the bottles pieces scatter around the ground. Small little sharp pieces, each having a different type of shape that tells a story. The glistening glass looked so pleasent to look at. Reflecting off of the moon, that shines though the kitchen window.
Small drips of a clear substance, start to appear on the ground. They slowly start to form a puddle underneath his feet. Loud sobbing like noises where coming from him. Each sob, released a deep feeling that was clouding his heart.
        Everyone he knew, is dead or apart of that group of freaks. All of their minds where corrupted, and it's mostly useless to try to help them. A soft sigh came from his right, as he starts to think deeply. "Maybe, I should say what is actually happening, not just a bunch of lies." He said, as his voice comes out a bit crackled.
       A slight high pitch laugh, came out of his mouth. The laughing lasted for minutes, until it started to fade down. "Why am I doing this? This all is just some messed up game that they are making me play. That's all they ever wanted from me, they didn't want me for the journal. They just wanted me to play their sick game, and see how long it would take for me to break."
      The puddle gets soaked into the ground, as it gets forgotten in time. "Is this what this was all about? Messing with my head, just to see how long I would last?"
      A chuckle comes out of his mouth. "I'm done, you hear me? I'm tired of all of this. The notebooks, and you freaks stalking me everyday."
      Loud sobbing came out of his mouth, as it turns into full out crying. It lasts for what seems like years, yet it was only a few minutes.
      Two bright white lights, appeared on his right. The same spot where the sigh came from. The creature known as Observer, looks at Noah with interest. Yet, he can't blame the guy. He's been through more hell, then anybody else in this world.
      He tilts his head, as Noah cry's into his hands. The tears, coming through his hands, trying to get a grasp of freedom. Observer tilts his head, then puts a hand on Noah's shoulder. The other freezes up, as he looks up to be met with those glasses.
      He try's to get out of the Observers gasp, but he just holds him tighter. He gives up, as the fear starts to leave him. He try's to relax into his grasp, which was easier then he thought.
     Observer looks down at Noah with that smile, and changes his grip so he could be comfortable. "I never saw myself, cuddling with a demon. Yet, it's easy to see that I don't care anymore. You could kill me, and that would be the best thing that could ever happen to me."
       He stops talking, as he grips Observers shirt and buries his head in it. "Noah, I understand what you are going through. I'm sorry for the way that I treated you in the past. If I could have fought back against them, I would've. I never did like seeing you in pain, it hurt me as much as it hurt you."
      He gives out a soft laugh, and moves his eyes so he's staring into the Observers eyes. "I have no idea why you are even doing this for me. How do I know that this isn't just some game that you are playing on me? Just playing with my feelings, just to throw them away like they are nothing."
      The Observer gives a slight flinch, as his grip on Noah loosens. "I never wanted to hurt you Noah. I only wanted to protect you from the Collective. Which I failed on doing, that I'm deeply sorry for."
The grip is ended, as he gets up, just to be brought back down. "Why-" He was shush, by a finger pointing at the glass still on the ground.
He huffs, as a question comes to mind. "Why are you always on my mind Observer? It want to hate you, yet some days those feel like lies on my own tongue. What's with the small touches, that you always give me? Am I just a damm pawn in your game? Something that you can laugh at if it fails? Someone-"
      A hand appears on his mouth, keeping it quite. "Noah, maybe you over think the things that you don't need to think about. Then don't think about the things you need to think about."
     A smile grin comes to the Observers lips, as he continues to talk. "Maybe, you need to think about what your heart wants, not just your mind. Which is filled with to many questions, and isn't the best in your drunken state."
     A frown appears on Observers face, as he puts his head in Noah's shoulder. "Maybe one day you'll understand how I feel towards you, but that day won't be today. Your to drunk, your probably not going to remember this whole thing."
     Observer lets out another chuckle, as he turns away Noah. "Until, we meet again Noah, I can't wait for that day." It's dark just seconds later, with a clean ground below.
     Nobody was in the kitchen, as Noah was already tucked into his bed. Knowing probably that he won't remember anything, and just think that he went to bed himself. It's not time for some questions to be answered, and maybe some will never will be answered.
     Maybe one day, or maybe some secrets are better left kept secret.

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