Mission II: Between a Rock & a Hard Place

Start from the beginning

"Ozark Howlers? Did you get photos? They're supposed to be death omens." Maggie asks, eyes sparkling in a similar manner to the woman in front of her. Researcher Dąbrowski only nods, tapping her watch to look for pictures to show off, "Do the Ozark Howlers have to do with why we were called?"

Researcher Dąbrowski stops mid tap, then looks at the girls, "Oh, Commander Fleur didn't tell you?" The girls shake their heads, giving the older woman an odd stare, "It's about Ricky."

"Ricky? What happened to him? Is he in trouble for not showing up for our investigation?" Briar Rose carefully crosses her arms, wincing only slightly as she does so.

"No, unfortunately, Ricky's been injured after taking on an investigation of his own." Researcher Dąbrowski scoffs, shaking her head, "Ti gason estipid [2]." The hint of urgent concern in her voice has Briar Rose and Maggie exchanging looks.

"We shouldn't waste any more time then." Briar Rose clears her throat, "Let's get to the infirmary."

"Looks like you'll be needing a trip there yourself, care to share what happened with you?" Researcher Dąbrowski raises an eyebrow, curious.

"We'll probably have to speak with the Commander about it, so might as well wait a bit." Maggie informs her. The three lapse into silence as they begin walking, Maggie's eyes glued down at her feet while Briar Rose stares ahead. Researcher Dąbrowski looks between the two, then clears her throat.

"How about a fortune reading?" She snaps her fingers, three cards appearing between her pointer finger and her thumb. A fortune reading, the best way to diffuse any kind of tense mood in her opinion. "Ah, here we've got...The Emperor, Ace of Cups and...ooh! The Fool, and you know what? They're all upright. This is a really good one, you know."

"The Emperor represents a male figure, how is that good for us?" Maggie scoffs, "Ace of Cups? The Fool? Briar Rose was a fool to think she could take on that creature by herself."

"And you're a fool to think you won't get smacked if you keep talkin'." Briar Rose counters, further messing up Maggie's hair. The shorter girl pushes her sister away with a furrow in her brow, once again combing the strays back into some kind of order. "Researcher Dąbrowski, please continue your reading, I wanna hear it."

"Read in this order, this fortune can mean a new beginning for new feelings to arise with someone who may become a long-term partner for you." Researcher Dąbrowski concludes, shaking her hand, the cards disappear in a flutter, leaving Briar Rose star-struck by the reading.

"R-Really! Like fer real?" Briar Rose stops walking, grabbing onto Researcher Dąbrowski and shaking her. "Like...new feelings...like feelings of...love?"

"Yes, Briar Rose." Researcher Dąbrowski chuckles, pulling herself from Briar Rose's grip. "The reading is the same for both of you. I wish you blessed luck in your romantic endeavors, as the Gods of the Cards smiles down upon you."

"It's about time!" Briar Rose stomps her foot, "Don't you agree, Maggis?"

"No." Maggie says curtly, "Anyway, we're here. Wrap it up." She didn't care much for the romantic talk that Briar Rose was always so invested in. Her talents and attention were much better suited to research purposes than caring about boys or whatever it was Briar Rose did in her free time.

Researcher Dąbrowski stared at the two girls for a moment, a slight smile on her lips. "Let's go see this idiot boy."

Maggie pushes open the door to the infirmary, and the three are immediately greeted by hushed words in a language neither of the girls speaks. "—but seriously, dad. Thing was all touchin' on me. I asked it to buy me dinner—back me up, Maya, I did, right?—but some people just don't see my charm. Just like to get straight to the action." Ricky easily switched back to English upon noting the newcomers in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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