(Pray you don't get burned)

Start from the beginning

Jolyne and Shizuka re-enter the room. Jolyne initially glares, and sticks out her tongue, but the instant she sees Polnareff, her kiddish mind is infatuated and casts everything that isn't cool ghost stuff out the window. 'It's a ghost! Dad, do you see!? It's a GHOST!!' Jolyne volunteers to carry Polnareff around, but then Frenchman, understandably, has a few issues with being carried by a girl who can't stop poking and prodding him. Eventually, he ends up sittings atop the kotatsu, and retells his own version of the coliseum. Still vague, but detailing the fight in more detail.

Giorno is relieved when Polnareff doesn't touch on how everyone felt, at all. He supposes Polnareff must've been held back by a sense of morality—not revealing what others wanted to hide, like that. He wishes he could say the say for Trish.

Polnareff's retelling ends when he goes off and says something Giorno didn't want him to say. "Man!" Polnareff says. "Y'know, after going through all that, it's kind of amazing how nervous he was before coming here!" Polnareff says, English.

Giorno feels something in himself just die. He spoke too soon. Bullshit with Trish being the only obnoxious person that speaks too much about Giorno.

"What!?" Jolyne exclaims. "Giorno was nervous!? He looks so cool and calm! There's no way!"

The blonde nods. "Yes, Jolyne. You're right. Polnareff is just speaking nonsense."

"W-what!? Giorno, don't slander me in front of what might as well be my niece!" Out of the corner of his eye, Giorno sees Jotaro smile. "You were definitely nervous out of your mind, anxious really."

"I wasn't." The undertone reads like a warning.

Trish snorts; he shoots her a yellow-rimmed glare. She holds her hands up, eyebrows raised.

Polnareff continues on, though, either oblivious-to or ignoring the warning signs. "Honestly! He studied the whole family tree, started catching up on English and Japanese classes, he was completely obsessive with the scheduling!" Polnareff exclaims.

"Omg." Jolyne says, wide-eyed.

In the back of his mind, Giorno also wonders what 'omg' means. He mentally files that word away, too. He'll need to figure out the meaning later. At the moment, he has a lot to do. "Stop."

"Yes, that's right, Jolyne! I'd find him up late so many nights just staring at the invitation!" Polnareff says, delighted to talk to his metaphorical niece.

"Polnareff, that's enough."

He's feeling antsy, irritated, he's feeling something that drops his stomach and garbles the thoughts in his head. At some level, Giorno knows this is illogical. There's nothing much at stake, really. But there's a lot. It's so little but it's a lot. The knowledge that maybe it's a little silly doesn't quell the rising heat or the horrible itch.

The small, ghost, Polnareff waves his hands around, delighted. "And! Gosh, you should've seen him on the plane!" Some ugly, terrible, coiling beast starts to build in Giorno. That's his. It's his information. He told Polnareff to stop. "He doesn't get motion sick or anything, but he was so nauseous he couldn't even eat any of the food we brought!"

The ugly thing coils, spreads its roots like black walnut.

Jolyne opens her mouth in amazement. "Wow! There isn't even anything scary!" (Out of the corner of his eyes, Giorno can see as expression that very much looks like disapproval cross Jotaro's face, but he gives this detail no mind.)

The defensive edges that clung to Giorno's frame morph into something like direction-less aggression.

"Yes!! Gosh you would really have no idea looking at him now! He also—!" Polnareff is swiftly cut off. Giorno is no longer having any of it.

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