Chapter 3: Fuck off.

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"Did you get in?" You asked adamantly on the phone, the person on the other side hesitating for dramatic effect.

"Well... I'm sorry to say..." She sighed sadly, her voice quiet. "OF COURSE I DID!" Hatsume beamed excitedly, her loud voice nearly deafening you from the other side of the call. You released a breath of relief after hearing your best friend was accepted as well.

"I don't even need to ask, I know you got in." Chuckled Hatsume, rolling her yellow eyes but you obviously couldn't see.

"Yeah thank god. I dunno what I would've fucking done if I didn't." You said, scratching your cheek and holding the phone with your opposing hand to your ear.

"I dunno what I would've done if you didn't, I wouldn't have anyone to annoy at lunch." She teased.

"Right because that would've been the main priority." You huffed, her laughing at your response. "What course are you in?"

"Support. Did you get in heroics?" She asked.

"Yeah, class 1-A." You mentioned, checking the sheet of paper that all of your class information on.

"Cool girly." She smiled. "I cant believe we've finally done it."

"I know... it's crazy." You said quite monotonously which didn't really express your excitement but getting into UA was a huge deal for you.

"Seems like two minutes ago when we were in Ma's back garden making that promise to go to UA together, and now we've finally done it." She reminisced on the nostalgia, making you think back to your early childhood where you both spent hours upon hours, soaking in the sun and playing heroes in your grandma's well kept garden, the vast variety of flowers and bushes almost making it jungle like. You and Mei are 1st cousins, both your dads being brothers and you were raised together like sisters, her being your best friend. Actually, with your anti-social and snappy behaviour, she was your only friend but that never really bothered you.

You didn't like people anyway...

*Time skip*

The time for the first day of school arrived and you and Hatsume walked into school, your grey and sea green uniforms on and you both avoided bumping into students as you entered the grand front gates to the prestigious school. The corridors were bustling as the new first years made attempts to find their homerooms, much like you and Hatsume.

"Okay, my homeroom is down this way so I'll see you at lunch. Bye!" She left with her sing song voice and a peace sign, you sending a quick nod in her direction and heading the opposite direction.

As you reached the classroom that you were assigned to, you entered to find most of your new classmates already in the room, chatting amongst each other. A few boys noticed your presence first, completely gawking to themselves over your appearance but you didn't acknowledge it and grabbed a desk in the back corner of the room without a word. You plugged in your earphones and listened to music from your phone while you waited quietly for the teacher to show up.

The music began to become muffled when a voice interrupted the song and you glanced your E/C eyes up to a navy blue haired boy. You only saw Iida's lips moving as he spoke out in a mumble due to your earphones blocking his voice, but his words became much clearer when you took them out reluctantly and your face turning to its usual scowl.

"Phones are not allowed to be used on the premisis during school hours." The blue haired boy lectured, his robotic motions making you squint your eyelids at him.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You grumbled, rubbing your temples and dropping the earphones on the desk top. "Piss off fore-eyes, I'm not bothering anyone so keep your nose out of my buisness, kay?" You spat, him remembering the same antics from you at the entrance exam.

"You shouldn't speak to your new classmate in such a way!" He waved his straightened hand at you and you resisted the urge to snap his wrist. "You are now a UA student, so I think you should have more respect for the rules!"

"I'm listening to music! Not throwing desks across the fucking classroom!" You snapped, your piercing E/C orbs locking with his as rage bubbled over them, your threatening demeanour making him take a step backwards. "I told you, Iida, to mind. your own. fucking. buisness!" You growled harshly as you spaced out your words.

"I believe we should start over." He sighed, pushing his glasses up. "I think as classmates we should get along-"

"Fuck off." You plugged your earphones back in and blasted the music through them louder than before, drowning out his words.

He gave up and left to speak to some other people until the teacher arrived, your sensei walking through the door with a bright yellow sleeping bag on and his black, tangled hair falling over his pale face. He introduced himself as Shota Aizawa and directed everyone to the training grounds, giving each of his students a gym uniform and informing us of the physical tests everyone in class 1-A would take part in and that whoever finishes last will instantly be expelled.

For the majority of the tasks you sent one of your spirits out to do it for you. Your tiger spirit, Kai, ran the race and competed in the long jump which put you in first place for both of those. Then for the strength grip test you used Daisy and her trunk to once again put you in first place for that particular activity. Finally for the ball throw, you threw it yourself and then Shouyo grabbed it midair with his claws and flew it just over 5000 metres away before you called him back in. The rest of the activities were your own doing, not necessarily coming first since your quirk wasn't involved, but you definitely weren't last.

Once class was dismissed, you began walking away as your classmates spoke to one another. You were quickly cut off by the green haired boy and the brown haired girl from the practical exam, a big smile on her face and a nervous expression on his.

You just had your usual resting bitch face.

"Hey! Uhm... I don't know your name but we'd like to say Thankyou for saving us during the practical exam!" The brown haired girl beamed, the greenette nodding along.

"Right. Don't mention it." You said monotonously before attempting to walk away again.

"Uhm... w-what's your name?" She asked.

"Y/N L/N." You replied before finally getting away, not bothering to ask their names.

Let's be fair... it's not like you gave a shit... right?

A/N: Thankyou for reading, hope you enjoyed! ❤️

 𝐓𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 - 【Tenya Iida x reader】Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu