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          Scarlett didn't want to attend the opening of The Garrison pub, she was never the party type, let alone a big drinker. However, she loved with Polly and not going to a party of any kind was against the rules, so she wore a simple outfit, nothing different except a gold shiny headband around her head and some high heels. By the time they had arrived, they were some of the first ones there. Scarlett ordered a water and sat on one of the seats at the bar. Harry did as he was told and Scarlett muttered a thank you before drinking her water.

          A couple of hours later and the place was booming, Arthur had now arrived, high as fuck on some kind of drug that Finn had gave him. And for the first time in her life, Scarlett Swan was pissed. Not angry or mad, but very, very drunk. Finn sat with John and Esme, but Scarlett didn't like the girl very much so she stood with Ada.

          "You need to calm down a-bit, Scarl." Ada laughed, watching as the girl had lean on the bar to stand up straight. Scarlett shrugged and Ada ordered her a water.

          "Alright, Scarlett, Ada?" Scarlett whipped her head around to see Tommy with a cigarette in between his lips. Her vision wasn't blurry, yet. She smiled.

          "Never been better, Tom." She smiled and Tommy rolled her eyes before turning to his sister who was still giggling at her best friend.

          "You going to look after her?" Tommy joked and Ada laughed.

          "As best as I can." Ada had just arrived and unfortunately for her, John had spotted her and Scarlett. Tommy walked away as John hugged his sister. "Alright, trouble." John laughed and the two swayed for no more than a second. "Spilling my drink." She-laughed and John turned to Scarlett.

"Long time no see, partner." John joked as Scarlett walked towards him with a smile. Maybe she wasn't as drunk as she thought, but she had only seen the man merely a day before. Nevertheless, she hugged him tight before he turned around. "Arthur! Look who's here!" Ada went to speak to Polly and Scarlett smiled brightly as she engulfed Arthur in a tight hug.

"We are getting you pissed tonight, Scarlett!" Arthur shouted and Scarlett laughed.

"At the point, two more whiskeys will be deadly." She smirked and sat down next to John as Arthur went behind the bar and stood in front of her.

"Two whiskeys it is!" Arthur chimed, John and Scarlett looked at each other before laughing.

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          Arthur, John and Scarlett lay on the roof of someone's boat that was docked in the cut. None of them were too sure on how they got their, but with a bottle of vodka each, they were having fun. "I-I want to know one thing," Arthur declared as the three of them watched the sky and each other. "Is Polly's son going to be an ugly fucker, like his father?" John and Scarlett burst out laughing, tears were actually spilling from her eyes as she sat up to breathe properly.

          "Arthur!" Scarlett laughed, turning around. "You can't say that!"

          "Says who? Polly's son?" For some reason this set John and Scarlett off again and she fell back into her position next to John for the second time.

          "What time do you think it is?" Scarlett practically squeaked once the three had regained composure from their laughing fits.

          Arthur actually thought for a second. John didn't. "Don't know, and I don't give a fuck!" He shouted the last part of his sentence and Scarlett was off laughing again.

          "Nobody will notice anyway," Arthur groaned as he stretched out his arms while he sat up. "We shouldn't worry."

          The three were now all sat up and sitting with their legs crossed as the younger two agreed with what Arthur said. Scarlett sighed to get the men's attention. "Doesn't matter, because while they're in bed," She pulled three bottles of vodka from under her coat that lay beside her and held them up, making the boys smile. "We're getting fucked!"

          That's how they spent their night, or most of it since the rest was spent sleeping. But before they slept Arthur grew silent, the news of him killing a kid while he was practicing had spread to Scarlett and John so they knew what was wrong when he stared at his lap. "Arthur," John coughed. He looked at his brother. "Everyone makes mistakes."

          "I didn't stop." He sighed. He was disappointed with himself.

          "It's over now, Arthur." Scarlett said with a warm smile as she placed her hand on his knee. "You can't change the past."

          "Or the fact you did it." John joined in. "All three of us here have done the same thing you did today, just in different ways."

          Scarlett nodded. "It's true, you're just being hard on yourself." She shifted back into her seat and took a sip from her bottle of alcohol.

          "I-It's like there's voices in my head." Arthur began. "Tom told me to get a grip, but I don't think I can, these voices they- they don't fucking shut up! I don't get it, I've been killing people me whole life! Why can't I handle it now?"

          "You're letting it get the best of you," Scarlett sighed. "Having remorse is a good thing, today you killed a good person, but to be honest I don't even want to live in this society, in some ways you did him a fucking favour."

          "Are you alright?" John asked from beside her, she simply nodded.

          "You're a good man, Arthur Shelby." He nodded with tears in his eyes. "You're a good man who made a mistake, mistakes make you human."

     "She's right." John agreed, he was never good with advice. "They make you human."

          "Well fucking hell John!" Arthur laughed. "Scarlett just said that!" Arthur and Scarlett began to laugh.

          "I-I was just rephrasing it, for fucks sake!" Scarlett and Arthur fell back onto their backs with laughter as they repeated his words. Soon enough the trio were well and truly, asleep. They fell asleep at almost three in the morning and didn't even look like they would wake up, their snores could be heard for miles, or so it sounded like. All in all, John, Arthur and Scarlett enjoyed sitting on the roof of a strangers boat, pissed and laughing about everything more than the opening of The Garrison.

I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭 also i made an instagram account to do with all updates on my stories etc! there's sneak peaks and more info on scarlett as a character coming soon too! follow it for a sneak peak at chapter ten, scarlett finally meets michael 👀 (@yelenasnat.wp)

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