Chapter 5

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Next day

(Eden's P.O.V)

Well, Lukas's in his whole 'seclusion' thing for now, but I know the second I get scratched; he'll be at my doorstep. So I know I'll be seeing him very soon.

I went over to my desk and started to write. It was going to be a story about my life. Also, Lukas mentioned he was gonna add me in his book about The Order. I felt really honored but at the same time a little nervous, I mean, I was an Admin just a couple weeks ago. What would people think of me after reading it? Oh well, I guess I'll just have to trust him.

 After about 3 hours of typing, it was 12 in the afternoon, and I wanted food. But as I got up to grab some grub, the side of my stomach hit the edge of the desk, and I started bleeding a little.

"Ow, son of a-" I mumbled going to grab a paper towel with some water on it.

(Third Person)

Lukas was sitting on his couch writing in his book when he felt something off, he looked left then right, and shuttered a bit.

(My P.O.V)

I wiped the blood off, but as I went to grab an apple, there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door but then hesitated with a frightened appearance. "Lukas?" I thought, did he really come here to check on me, and... how did he know?

As I started to question the laws of the universe, like how blondey got to my house so fast, I opened the door. I was probably just a little too suprised when I saw Jesse standing outside my doorstep to be considered normal.

"Hey Jesse, what brings you to my humble abode," I questioned with a terrable accent.

"Hey uh... can I come in?" he asked calm.

"Sure," I said as I held the door open and he waltzed inside.

We both sat on the couch and I looked at him, but he didn't say anything. I didn't know why he was there, so I asked, "Having girl problems with Petra?"

Jesse looked at me weird, then shook his head no saying, "No, that's not why I'm here... and what do you mean 'girl' problems?"

I just shrugged as if even I didn't know what I meant. 

"Then why are you here?" I questioned.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on an adventure with me," he asked all shy like.

"Um... sure, but... why?" I hesitated slightly shocked.

"I really didn't want to say, but... I've been feeling... lonely lately," he explained, "Axel and Olivia went back to Boom Town and Redstonia now that everything's back to normal, and Petra, Jack, and Nurm are already out on an adventure. Plus, Lukas is writing his newest book, so you were the last pick."

"Gee thanks," I said rolling my eyes before giving him a comforting smile to show I was just jokin' with him.

"But yeah, I'd love to go on a adventure with you. I kind of got writer's block anyway," (hehe, writer's 'block') I stated getting up and saving the newest part of my story.

"So," I said with enthusiasm, "where are we going?"

"I was thinking the Northern Snow Biome Caves," Jesse suggested.

"Sure, but what's so special about the caves?" Eden asked.

"I don't know, that's why it's an adventure," he explained walking out the door.

"Could I at least grab a sword?" I queried knowing he was too secretly excited to give me a moment.

"Oh right, sorry I just got caught up in the moment." He blushed coming back inside.

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