A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 5 PART 2

Comenzar desde el principio

We took our seats across from each other and began enjoying the delectably fancy meals.


The rest of the day was a blur. Gabriele and I went to see that movie with all those monsters, Hotel Transylvania and after that, we got some ice cream just a few blocks away from the town’s park.

So now, we were now at the peaceful park eating ice cream, watching children play and ignoring gossiping mothers.

There’s no point in slowing this down, then. I thought in my head. Today’s the day I took Gabriele out, the day we got to know eat other a bit more, and the day I’m telling him about me. After today, I just hope that he’ll accept me.

You heard me right. I’m shifting. In front of the boy I just met. I know it’s hasty and all, but I just want to hold him, claim him mine. The full moon is coming in less than two weeks and the attraction I feel towards Gabriele just strengthens. The need of claiming him as ours is getting more unbearable. I have to tell him now than for him to find out during the full moon when I tear the town down trying to control myself and finally ravishing him when I get too close.

I led Gabriele into the thick forest just behind the park. Gabriele was fidgety and nervous at first, but I got him to trust me.

After a few minutes of walking, Gabriele asked, “Hey, Dylan, where are we going?” I laughed a little in my head. Gabriele reminded me of Dora the Explorer when he said that.

“It’s a secret.” I said softly, trying not to scare him. Gabriele remained silent the rest of the way.

Just a little bit more and we would have reached the small lake that I discovered when I was a kid. I’d go there whenever I would get said or angry or maybe just for space.

When we finally reached it, I was glad to find no one there. The lake still looked the same as I left it almost half a year ago. The water was crystal blue which stood out more because of the bright grassy clearing. I could still see small fishes swimming around and there were big moldy boulders at the shallow side of the lake.

Gabriele stared at the place with a childish glint in his eyes. “It’s beautiful!” He opened his arms and ran about freely like a little child. He turned to me with a big smile; he tilted his head slightly, making an innocent and confused look. “Hey, Dylan,” I’m glad he’s now more comfortable around me, “Why’d you bring me here?”

I scratched the back of my neck nervously. How should I even start this? Should I talk to him first to ease the shock, or should I shift immediately to get to the point? “Well, you see, it’s kind of complicated.”

We both sat on the grass near the lake. Gabriele just pulled his legs to his chest and propped his chin on his knees, just like a child waiting for a story to continue. He smiled at me reassuringly, silently encouraging me to go on.

“How do you feel about werewolves?” I blurted out.

Gabriele pondered on this question for a while, “You mean, like, those in Twilight or those in Teen Wolf?”

I rubbed my hands together in an anxious gesture. “Yeah, something similar to that.”

Gabriele smiled brightly at me, “My nonno [Italian for grandfather] always used to tell me stories about werewolves, vampires, witches and more. He would sometimes joke that supernatural hunting was in our blood and we’d ghost hunt every Halloween. For your question, I think werewolves are awesome and cool! If only they were real, they’d be much cooler, or at least I hope so. Sometimes I just miss nonno.”

So, he indirectly thinks I’m “awesome and cool"? My face broke out into a huge grin. But it suddenly disappeared as I remembered why I brought Gabriele here in the first place. There was silence once again. Gabriele and I were now lying on the slightly damp grass. Without turning to me, Gabriele spoke. “Hey, Dylan, what’s wrong?”

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