9. When Vikings Rise

Start from the beginning

I roared with all the strength I could muster, sending the sound as far as I could, a distress call to Hiccup and the others. I heard soft sounds, thumping strides getting closer and closer to the other side of my door.

"Toothless, you check that one!" whispered a familiar voice. The thumping could be heard as Toothless kept going past my cell. I whined, a soft sound to let them know I was here. I was waiting.

I heard the rattling of a lock, after which the door swung open, revealing a ragged looking Hiccup. His face had a fresh cut across his cheekbone and his armour was covered in fine dust. His face was a mix of emotions - beginning with relief and ending with concern.

"Oh Thor's Hammer, ___! You're alive!" he exclaimed, the fear of being heard ignored. He leapt forward and wrapped his arms around my scaly neck, and I made a rough purring sound in my throat.

"Quick, we have to go. Stoick's leading the others, but Orvask's Night Furies are putting up a harsh fight," he warned.

I cocked my head. Night Furies? Oh no. Orvask was using his failed experiments to fight them. Not only were they one of the smartest and fastest types of dragon out there, they were all half-mad and terrifyingly aggressive.

"Damn. Toothless!" Hiccup called when he noticed my shackles.
The black dragon appeared with bright eyes and cocked his head at Hiccup.
"Get her out of there," he said, pointing to the shackles.

Toothless shot a controlled plasma blast at the soft iron and it quickly fell from my legs. I pulled at the metal muzzle with my claws, and Hiccup unfastened it patiently.

Together, we set off down the stone hall to find Stoick and the other fighters so we could finally, blessedly, escape.

. . .

We travelled through the zigzagging halls, Toothless leading the way, following the sound of fighting.

When we reached the site of the battle, I stopped in shock. The Night Furies were fighting as a group, surrounded by the bodies of slaughtered vikings.

"Oh no," Hiccup choked. Tears filled his eyes. "No!" he yelled, lunging into the battle. I roared after him in concern, but he didn't turn back. Toothless leapt into the battle as well, his face drawn into a fierce snarl. They fought side by side, Hiccup brandishing a blade of a fire and Toothless using tooth and claw to fight the dragons.

I almost went in after them, but my legs suddenly grew weak and I had to kneel down - even the simple task of navigating through the underground had tired me out.

I watched on in fear as Hiccup drove his blade into the breast of of one dragon, the force of his thrust pushing through the hard, fire-proofed scales. The smell of singed flesh filled the air.

Nearby, Toothless took a blow to the head from a Night Fury's tail, and while he was down the other dragon crouched and prepared to pounce.

I roared and leapt up, ignoring the pain in my body. The Night Fury looked my way, and that was it's last move before I dove upon its throat and bit down, through scale and into flesh.

The Fury roared and staggered back, falling to the ground. Crimson blood coated the floor.

I turned to Toothless and grunted painfully before loping a little way down the hall to recover.

I fell to the floor, panting.

"___!" I heard Hiccup scream. I looked up to see a Night Fury's jaws closing in.

I twisted out of the way and the dragon hit the floor with a thud. It rose after a moment, swaying dizzily. I took the chance to deliver a killing blow.

I swung my head towards where two dozen or so vikings fought, Hiccup and Toothless among them.

There were eight Furies left. So far, we had only killed four, and there were more than a dozen vikings dead already. I didn't need math to see that at this rate we would all be dead.

Hiccup swung his fire sword at the tail of a Fury, then skipped out of the way as it turned and sent a fire shot at him.

The flame bolt hit a different Night Fury. The dragon turned, a murderous look in it's eye. It pounced on its brother, claws flying. Around us, the other Night Furies began to break from the vikings and attack each other.

"Let's move!" Hiccup called after a moment of stunned silence. The vikings gathered and headed for the exit, their dragons following. Some were dragon-less, their fire-breathing friends lost in the fighting.

And it's my fault, I thought, as we reached the exit. Dawn was creeping into the sky as we left the huge main tunnel.

I was surprised that Orvask hadn't seemed to-

"How dare you!"


"Gnaw - Get her!" he shouted, rage in his voice. The giant took huge, earth-shuddering steps towards us.

"Let's go!" Hiccup yelled frantically. He mounted Toothless, and the other vikings followed on their own dragons. Those without a mount rode double with someone else. Just as Gnaw reached us, the last dragon left the ground, and we rose high above the clouds.

My wings hurt badly from the exertion, but I had no choice other than to keep going.

Toothless veered closer to me, and Hiccup smiled in triumph. "We did it!" he celebrated over the wind.

I roared into the open air, immeasurable happiness filling me.

I was free, and the rising sun welcomed me back into the world, the wind beneath my wings and the clouds brushing my legs.

A/N: Long chapter! :D
It's not that well written in my opinion, but oh well.

An important notice: the next chapter will be after the events of How to Train Your Dragon 2. I'll mention it in the chapter, but I just want it to be clear. If you haven't seen the movie, this will mean major spoilers, so I would recommend watching the movie first. Read at your own risk.

Thank you to everyone who is reading this, has voted, and/or has commented. I love writing, and it's really nice to know that you enjoy reading it.

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