Surfing the Crimson Wave

Magsimula sa umpisa

¬ _¬ - was their reaction

Soobin let go of his precious bread and hugged Byeol from the back, and started pushing on her stomach.

"aS iF tHaTs gOnNa hELp yOu iDiOt!!"  said Yeonjun.

everything after that was history...

After putting her underwear in the washer, she put on new ones with pads, then Byeol proceeds to take the stained bedsheet to the same washer.

'I want icecream....'

If she did go down the kitchen and eat icecream at this very moment, and get found out by the oldies, she'll probably get a scolding- then again, she is on her period...and the boys usually get antsy of what Byeol would do next.

'And I doubt they'll get up anyway...we slept at like- 2 in the morning yesterday.....and I only got 4 hours of sleep....dammit...I feel moody'

She went down the stairs and into the kitchen where a two-door fridge laid. Byeol opened it and stared at the bubblegum pink goodness in front of her. Tempting.

Come on. it said.

What are you waiting for? it said.

Come eat me. i taste delicious. it said.

"all right ill eat you"

She grabbed the delicious-looking icecream and the chocolate syrup from the fridge. Byeol squeezed the bottle and squirted as much syrup as she wanted (which was more than normal, I assume)

After returning in the realms of her palace, she took her laptop and snuggled in her new and clean sheets.

Byeol watched K-drama for hours before someone finally knocked on her door and said, "hey, you awake? It's breakfast time"

"I'm not hungry."

"I don't believe you. Cmon. Let's EAT! iM hUngRy aNd YeOnjUn-HyUng wOnT LeT uS eAt wiThOut yOu" from the voice, Byeol assumed it to be Kai.



"ByEOL bRiNg yOuR AsS dOwn hErE pR iLL giVe yOu thE sPaNkiNg"


Byeol gave up and succumbed to her hyungs. She slammed the door open and glared at the maknae,then stomped her way downstairs, feeling more grumpy than usual.

Sitting down on one of the free chairs, she grabbed her spoon and began chomping on the food in front of her. The boys raising a brow.

"fix your attitude byeol-" Taehyun was interrupted.

"i dont care"

"what-" Soobin.

"shut up"

"what's your proble-" Beomgyu

"i said shut up"

"are you oka-" Yeonjun.

"obviously not"

Heuningkai opened his mouth to talk but was cut off by the menacing glare Byeol sent him.

Byeol finished eating and got up. She turned her back from the boys to put her dishes on the sink.

There was little spot on her behind with blood on it, which the boys saw.

And it clicked in their minds.

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