Chapter 1

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Imagen your self standing at the edge of a cliff. On the opposite side of the edge stands the people that raised you, but before them, there's a pit of fire. At the bottom of the cliff stands the person you love more than your self, but to get down you have to jump. Either way, you will get hurt. So the question is. Who is worth getting hurt for?

The darkness of her clothing makes her disappear in the crowd. The loud music makes her eardrums thump. The strong smell of some kind of alcohol and nicotine maks her nauseous

but at the same time, it feels kind of southing for her. It is a very different environment than what her parents want her to be associated with, but like a rebellious teenager, Juliet had to do something bad. Juliets parents are politicians. Her mom is the senator and her dad, Frank Cape, is in the running for president of the US.

The party was at a club, but it was shut down so people could rent it out for whatever they wanted. Juliet did not know who hosted the party and she did not care. She found a place to sit on the top of an old sofa that was about to fall apart. Juliet did not know anyone at the party and did not care to make any, but little did she in only a few seconds she was going to meet someone very important.

Red and Blue (a modern Romeo and Juliet)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن