YOU'LL NEVER KNOW (2012-03-08)

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I never thought I would come this far,

I've been through things and surpass my fear.

I waited, long enough to get here,

I never imagine this hurt, my heart could bear.

I did things that I never did before,

I fantasize things and desires for more.

You made me fly in the sky that I adore,

Like an angel with wings that happily soar.

Happiness and joy contains this childish heart,

when I discover things about you even its just a part.

It all sweep the feeling of tiredness and hurt,

As I feel one more time the love's great art.

But ups always brings a little bit of down.

It's like light and darkness were together shown.

My fragile heart breaks once again.

I don't know how to put away this pain.

I still want to keep you in my sight,

I want to do everything to keep you with all my might.

With you alone make my day bright,

but with you walking away, how can I be alright?

Again I see, another love that is unrequited,

I won't complain 'cause this feelings I haven't said.

This heart just weeps 'cause its full of regret.

How I wish I confess and accept whatever fate may set.

Someday is my only hope,

that maybe you can give of your love.

That those sweet glimpse and stolen glances were gone,

And we're all set on each other's orbs.

Someday where dreams were fulfilled together,

Happiness and sadness we'll always share.

I want to do things with you, my dear,

I want to love you until forever.

If chances wouldn't allow this dream,

I'll bear whatever fate may gave.

And keep this life going on.

Like waterfalls that keeps on pouring down.

I don't know if my future is with you,

I don't know if your love for me, you can show.

I only wish to be with you.

Because destiny, you'll never know.


A goodbye poem for Mr. Michael.

Now, I can sing the song, "I remember the boy, but I don't remember the feeling~"

Hope you like it.


jalga, baby24mhyne~

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