Chapter two : They're moving! (part 1)

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Warnings: some swear words, enjoy



(First/name) finally arrived in Lyon, s/he is staying for some days, so a relative of a friend let him/her her house while she is in vacation, like usual nobody noticed the strangest of things, but s/he do, always and more after the shadow incident. This time the event is, statues, statues are appearing, that change a lot from people disappearing but it's still weird, they're appearing but only in this city and s/he don't know why yet, because s/he only human and not a omniscient god of some sort. Anyway, the relative's name is Ludwina, she's average, she always says "One day I'll have a big house and a family, because why not?" and she is maybe right, (First/name) didn't care about that for now, s/he is not that old and there are strange worlds waiting for him/her to see them.

The first day, s/he is going out to see more closely the statues, they look like angels, and they are... crying? S/he decide to call them "crying angels",short and people know what you're talking about. The crying angels are all over Lyon, expressing their sadness in silence, a very loud silence who is expending all over the town, maybe people doesn't talk about them because they are afraid of them. S/he write down where they are placed, maybe someone was placing them and (First/name)would find out who this person is like that, that is stuff that s/he saw on TV shows so s/he don't know if it really works but s/he's still trying.


Restaurant- "La Fourchette"


There s/he is, eating a dinner before continuing to mark the spot of the angels of stone, s/he can see one of them turn directly at your table and frankly it's stressing him/her out for some reason. (First/name) look at his/her plate to take another bite, when s/he look again the statue seems to have moved, it can't move, it is made of stone! And stone do not move on it's own, everybody knows that... except if it's not stone. S/he stand up and walk in a slow pace to reach the "stone" angel, s/he blink, it have moved again! But how does it do that? And why nobody's noticing it? (First/name) try not to blink and don't stop walking,s/he is facing the crying angel now, s/he blink. It's so natural,blinking, a lot of the time we can't even know when we are blinking or not, but when your life is in danger, you know exactly when you have, and (First/name) curse it in his/her mind "why do we have to fucking blink?!", because now, the not-so-stone-angel have his arms reaching out to him/her, he got fangs and a creepy expression.

A familiar voice call out behind your back "Don't blink! Whatever your doing, DO NOT BLINK."

"I get that already! But, what are they, really, those crying angels?"

"Crying angels? It's weeping angels! Did you name them by yourself?" he sound really surprised

"That is NOT the point! Please, what do I do? I'm gonna blink at any moment!" you hurry

"Right!"he touch your shoulder "Come with me, DO NOT turn your back away"

"Okay... it's sounds easy..." you whispered

He take your hand to guide you, you follow his lead like a lost child,but no children have ever had their lives in such danger, though.

"Careful, there is a step" he informed you

"Where are you taking me?"

"Safe place"

The man walks in front of you to close the door, you sight in relief and finally blink without fear.

"Hum, Doctor-man, now, you could tell me, they are aliens?" asking for confirmation

"They are really old, they can move when you're not looking, but you already knew that, and they can send you through time and space to feed off your un-lived days" he sound partially excited

"Right.Really reassuring. Especially when those weeping-crying-angels are in every corner of this city!"

"I know that, that is why I'm here in the first place"

"And what are you gonna do about this?"

"Well the TARDIS told me there has been a huge amount of rift energy in the city but it wasn't as usual, this one was probably made on purpose"while talking he is walking around his sort of control-panel,pressing buttons and pushing levers, like it helps him to think "I'm gonna find out who or what is causing it"

"And then what?" you ask, feeling he didn't finish his sentence

"And then I'll stop them with a super-plan!"

"But do you have a plan?" he smirk at that

"I always have one" he push a last lever and the TARDIS start moving and making noises, you grab the banister, trying not to fall.


"Place Ampère"


The Doctor and you step out of the ship, you are in front of a enormous statue of a man sitting. The thin man walk to it, he takes something out of his pocket, it's grey with a blue tip, after some strange noises, it he opens a secret door. You're confused, but you still follow him when he enters into the dark.

The Doctor and you are walking down stairs, now you are in a corridor, you guess, it's too dark to see.

"What is the weird-making noises thing?" you ask

"It's a sonic screwdriver.. It can do a lot of stuff.." he sounds concentrated

"Stuff, like what?"

Another door opens, finally light!

Spiky hair smiles, "Like that!"

A room filled with something that looks like the control panel of the TARDIS and computers, a single chair is between all those stuff, and a red back door. It opens and someone come out of it, it's a white men with blond hair and average high.

The stranger spoke "You two shouldn't be here. It is, a sacred place..."

You asked, "Sacred?"

"Yes, behind this door is the most angelic angel of them all."

"I have a question too ; what are you doing in THIS room, precisely?" your partner takes out glasses and put them on, looking at the machinery "because, those are really not common for this planet.." he is walking around, moving toward the blond man "what are you?"


Hello people! I'm so sorry I didn't post it before, I didn't how to continue it, and I got school... Anyway, heres part 1 or chapter 2! Please tell me in the comments if you like it ❤️👍

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