"Some of the guns might be a bit waterlogged, but they'll still work," Clementine tells them as she reaches into the gun crate, pulling out an old looking pistol and inspects it over.

"Work for what?" Louis asks, staring down at his hand when Clementine places the pistol into it.

"For shooting practice, of course."


It didn't take Willy too long to haphazardly put together some targets for them to shoot at. Really, all he needed to do was cut up some of spare bits of wood he was using (which he absolutely refused to tell Violet what he was using it for when she asked, even going so far as to deny her entrance into the basement when she offered to help).

After quickly cutting off a few pieces and slapping on some spare paint they had lying around in the basement, they had some fairly 'targetish' looking targets to shoot at.

"What? You see if you can do any better in less than an hour," Willy has huffed upon seeing the less than enthusiastic reactions of everyone when he has first brought the targets at.

"Thanks, Willy. These'll work perfectly," Clementine thanked him, not at all caring about their slightly shoddy appearance.

Clementine strung them up around the school, making sure they were spaced out enough so that everyone had enough space when shooting. The others stood by and watched as she worked, not having a clue as to what they were supposed to do.

"Okay," Clementine announces once she hangs up the last target, catching all of their attention. "Who here knows how to shoot?"

Its not too much of a surprise that no one from the school puts their hands up. Everyone's glancing at one another to see who put their hands up, going one by one down the line.

James, AJ and Zara are the only ones with their hands up.

"I haven't fired one in a long time," James tells Clementine, slowly lowering his hand back down to his side. "The Whisperers preferred not to use guns. Too much noise."

"You remember enough to teach the others?" Clementine asks.

"I should do, yes. I might be a bit rusty, though."

Clementine nods, a smile on her face as her gaze moves to AJ, who looks exceedingly proud to be one of the few people that know how to shoot a gun.

"You up for teaching these guys a thing or two?" Clementine asks, getting an enthusiastic nod in response.

"Yeah! Do you think they'll be able to shoot as good as me?"

"No-one can shoot as good as you, little man," Louis praises AJ.

"You sure? Not even Clem?"

"Not even Clem," Louis confirms, glancing fearfully up at Clementine. "And I am so going to pay for that later..."

"Zara, you able to teach as well?" Clementine asks, electing to ignore Louis' comment.

"Maybe? I'm okay, not great. Dad only taught me a bit after we escaped and well, ammo was tight. Couldn't really waste it on practice."

"Alright, good. We'll need someone to stay on watch to take out any walkers that are attracted to the noise," Clementine informs the group, scanning them for who should go on first watch.

"Sorry Omar, you mind going first? We'll switch you out with someone else in about 30 minutes."

"It's no problem," Omar waves off her apology, already making his way towards the watch tower. "See you guys in a bit."

In The Dark (Sequel To Light) -Clementine/Louis, Clouis, LouisentineWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt