I'm Gonna Get Out, If It's The Last Thing That I Do.

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((Let me just start off by saying, those are the opening lyrics in their song, When They Call My Name from their album, Vale. -Narcissa))

-Narcissa's POV-

It started off a normal day, pretty shitty.  I was at school and some bullies came up to me from behind and started by pushing me against the lockers then giving a brutal beating, then leaving me there to die, essentially. I am 17 now and currently waiting to finish up my senior year of high school so I can turn 18 and move away, but that's only because I live in a hellish, inescapable nightmare.

I am the oldest of 5 children, you have my twin sister who is also 17, Delora, then there's my half brother, Bradley, who is 12. Then you have my biological brothers, Paul Smith 3 who, if he hadn't died, would be going on 7 years old now. Then there's Liam who is the sweetest 4 year old ever. He was actually a miracle child, we're lucky he lived. He's the only member of my family that cares about me, aside from my twin sister. This morning, before I left, my dad smacked me for no reason, his girlfriend, Danielle, punched me in the stomach and my half brother grabbed my hair and tried pulling me to put my head in the sink so he could run  the water and see if he could end me. "Bye, little fuck up!" They all yelled as I quickly ran out with Delora.

Anyways, I get up and grab my necklace that they ripped off my neck and clutch it tightly in my hand before putting it back after fixing the chain. This is what the necklace looks like. 

I washed the blood off of me and went to my next class, knowing this would keep happening throughout the day

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I washed the blood off of me and went to my next class, knowing this would keep happening throughout the day. I knew no one would be talking to me, but if they did, it wouldn't be anything good, so I get my phone out of my pocket and plug my earbuds in and started listening to BVB, my favorite band. I scrolled through my playlist then saw the song I wanted, 'When They Call My Name.'

I was walking to class and started singing without knowing. "I'm gonna get out, if it's the last thing that I do. And in my heart, my 15 minutes are burned through." That's when I heard the intercom make an announcement. "Narcissa Smith to the main office with your things. I repeat, Narcissa Smith to the office with your things. You are leaving." The announcer said.

"That voice... it's so familiar..." I whisper then shrug and grab my books and start walking to the foyer of the school. I sigh when no one is there, then Delora came running up to me and quickly wrapped her arms around me. "Oh, Narcissa. I heard what they did to you. Are you ok?" She asks, brushing my black and purple hair out of my face. "Define ok, Delora." I say. "Anyways, what're you doing here?' I ask her. She smiled at me, "I heard my name called and it said to come here." She refused to let me go so I just continued hugging her back. When a voice from behind interrupted us...

"Ladies..." He said with a deep and sexy voice. I then knew who it was, "CC Coma?!?!" I ask, turning around. "The one and only." He smiled at me, making me blush. "Oh, my god!!!" Delora squealed suddenly as Ashley Purdy stepped out from behind CC. "Christian Coma and Ashley Purdy, the drummer and bassist of Black Veil Brides. Here, in our school, standing before us. Delora, is this actually happening?" I ask. She looks at me then runs to Ashley and jumps into his arms like a little kid.

I roll my eyes at her. "Delora, Delora, Delora..." I shake my head and facepalm. She giggles when Ashley catches her and looks into her eyes. CC came over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, making me turn redder than a tomato, I'm sure. He just chuckled at my blush and then put his other arm under my legs and picked me up in his arms and cradled me against his exposed chest. I relax into him, feeling safe for once. 

"What are you guys doing here?' Delora and I both asked at the same time then looked at each other. This was common with us, we would finish each other's sentences, say things at the exact same time without planning it, so typical twin stuff, I guess... CC and Ashley looked at each other then back at us. "You two twins?" CC asked me. I nod and smile at Delora. "Ooh, double bangers!" Ashley howled. Delora slapped his arm playfully and I giggled when he pouted, "What was that for?" He asked. "You know very well what." Delora laughed.

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