Solving Ex

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Exes the people who used to be a part of your life once upon a time. It's so painful if they left you and broke you and made you build yourself back up. When things seem a boatload better and they walk back into your life. They come back and shake you to your core.

Why do they come back?

Why did they leave?

Why does the heart yearn for them?

Why do we want them back?

It's especially hard when you're in a new relationship with someone who makes you feel better and treat you better then they ever did. It's hard dealing with exes and painful and opens old wounds but you have to try moving on. Move yourself to the other side of the equation, the side that makes you decides your life and when you know what you want then you're on you're way to solving ex like a mathematician in the maths of to hearts.

- C.T.R

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