A Little Less Alone

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Hi! Thank you so much for reading this story! It's going to include the ships Zolana/Galaxy Gals, Zoevan, Treebros, and maybe a little past Kleinsen. I hope you like it and please vote and comment if you do!



Alana Beck was a very goal-oriented person. Whenever she wanted something done, she worked as hard as she could until she accomplished it. If that meant staying up late hours into the night or sacrificing all of her free time or skipping meals, then so be it. She would do anything and everything to get what she wanted.

So when Alana decided that she wanted to fit in and have kids to notice her, she thought it would be easy. She joined every extracurricular activity and worked especially hard to get good grades. But now, on the first day of senior year, Alana was still in the same place she had been freshman year: alone and friendless.

That morning Alana had gotten up at five o'clock sharp and picked out the perfect outfit. She had never been one to care too much about her clothes, but that seemed to be all everyone else cared about, and she desperately needed to be like them.

Then, Alana made her way to school early that way she could mark her name down for all the clubs. By the time she was finished signing up, she wasn't even sure which groups she had committed herself to, but it didn't matter. As long as she was actively involved in the community, people were bound to notice her, right?

Now Alana was sitting on a bench in the school's foyer, alone, as always. She was tapping her fingers on her thighs rhythmically as she went over her greeting lines in her head. It had taken her all last night to come up with a good way to start a conversation, but she had finally decided on: How was your summer? Mine was productive. I did three internships and ninety hours of community service. Even though I was so busy, I still made some great friends. Or, well, acquaintances, more like.

See, Alana Beck never called people she met "friends" That was like begging for pain and heartbreak. Calling someone your "friend" meant that you were allowing them into your life. It meant that you were sharing things with them that could come back and hurt you. So instead she called people "acquaintances". It was a much safer term. When these "acquaintances" betrayed you and stabbed you in the back it hurt less, because you thought it was inevitable anyways.

Besides, it's not like anyone she had ever met would call her a friend anyways. Even as a child, she would get bullied for always being a bookworm and knowing the answer to every question. So when high school started she decided to reinvent herself. Gone was book-loving nerdy Alana, and in came strong ambitious Alana who was determined to make people like her. That failed too. Instead of bullying her, they treated her like she didn't exist. Like she was invisible. Like if she disappeared tomorrow no one would even bat an eye.

Alana shook her head to clear her thoughts. Sometimes having no friends made her sad, but then she reminded herself that if she had friends they could get in the way of her goals, and she felt a bit better. After all, nothing was more important to her than making all her dreams come true and having everyone love her.

Alana's thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing, signaling that she could finally head to class. She walked down the hallway quickly, with her shoulders back and chin up, just like her moms taught her to do. Her greeting lines were still on repeat in her head, and Alana scanned the hallway to find someone to talk to. It took a couple of seconds, but her gaze finally landed on Evan Hansen, a scrawny boy in a blue polo and khaki pants. He was leaning over the water fountain and his eyes darted around the hall like he was prey amidst a hall of predators. Which, to be fair, wasn't too far from the truth.

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