How Benji managed to get one over them was troublesome. They knew when to hit the house. They knew where the guns were.

This was a more calculated attempt, the end goal clear to them and well rehearsed. They let us fall in all their carefully placed plans. If Link wasn't so driven with anger, or had even stopped for a moment to think... he could have caught on. But by the time they did, it was too late.

Severe damage had been done. A few casualties. All could have been spared if Link hadn't been led with his emotions.

Link stood up and punched the wall next to him. Lexie jumped back, falling into Lucian who instantly grabbed her. He seized this moment and dragged her away, out the ward.

"Relax yourself." Mace said behind him.

Link could see Errol from the corner of his eye. This wasn't the first time these two men stood beside him as his female laid in hospital.

Link clenched his hand. How many times will he fail Orianna? He raised his hand to punch the wall again but Mace grasped his elbow.

"The nurse is coming."

Link turned to the side and watched as the nurse came closer, a small smile on her face. "She's awake and asking for you."

Link followed after the nurse, his heart pounding loudly in his chest.

They had put her down for a little sleep to get the bullet out of her thigh and stitch her back up. He hadn't seen her since they took her in the theatre room. Link couldn't describe what he felt watching her on that bed, nurses and doctors surrounding her as they pulled her away.

Link's mind scattered back to when he found her.

"Link." Orianna breathed out when she caught him stumbling in the bathroom. She looked worse than he imagined. Tears streaked her face, her reddened eyes not leaving his face.

Link realised she did that to hold onto the last bit of consciousness she could. He glanced down at her blood soaked jeans and ran to her. He ripped his shirt, tying the long cloth around her wound to stabilise the bleeding.

How she was still awake after losing so much blood was beyond Link. He made quick work of the tying before he hoisted her into his arms. She slumped into him, dropping the weight of her head on his chest.

"Joy?" She asked weakly.

"She's safe."

Link walked her out the bathroom, out the bedroom and slowly walked down the stairs. He was glad Orianna's eyes were closed now so she didn't see the carnage outside. Link still didn't take any chances and moved to shield her from catching sight of anything.

There were men still shooting at each other, police sirens loud in everyone's ears as they closed in. Link knew a lot of Lucian's men had to leave before the police came but they still stayed, fighting of Benji's men who didn't care about getting caught.

Link kicked the back door open, knowing Mace was waiting for him past the garden and into the opposite house. There stood Mace and Errol, both of them having a gun raised up behind Link. He spotted the car by the driveway.

Ending Link (Link Dane 2)Where stories live. Discover now