Chapter 1 ( Independent Women -Beyonce)

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F.Y.I  Each of the post will be named after a Bey or Jay song and I'll tell you why I chose that song at the end of each post

(Beyonce POV)

*At Bey's Law Firm in her office*

(Beyonce) Ugggg Kelly I said no
(Michelle) Bey if this one don't work out we promise no more blind dates
(Kelly) Please Bey, you need a man
(Beyonce) Look I don't need a man nor do I want a man. I am perfectly happy with it being just me and Lyric.
(Kelly) Bey you haven't been on a real date since Lyric father died three years ago
(Beyonce) Yes I have
(Michelle) Yes, but they didn't work out to well
(Kelly) They all said you are a umm how do I put this in nicely 
(Michelle) A bitch
(Beyonce) Excuse you
(Michelle) Well that's what they say. 
(Kelly) They say you are hard to please
(Beyonce) No, I'm not I just have standards
(Kelly) Yea standards not even the pope can meet
(Beyonce) What ever
(Kelly) I'm serious Bey, Chance is a really nice guy. He is a doctor, he don't have any kids and he have good credit at lease I think he do. Most doctors have good credit right
(Michelle) I don't know Kelly. Hush that's not even matter
(Beyonce) *laughs* OMG 
(Michelle) So what do you say Bey can you give him a chance
(Beyonce) Ok! you know what if I go on this date will you two please leave me alone
(Kelly, Michelle) Yes!
(Beyonce) Ok I'll go
(Kelly, Michelle) Yaeee!!
(Michelle) I'll go call him *leaving the room*
(Kelly) Now Bey 
(Beyonce) What
(Kelly) Promise me you'll relax your standards a little
(Beyonce) Kelly..
(Kelly) Bey I'm serious, the last guy Michelle and I hooked you up with you dumped because he smoked
(Beyonce) *shrugs* I can't kiss anyone with yellow teeth and that smell like cigarettes
(Kelly) Bey his teeth were white and he didn't smell like cigarettes
(Beyonce) Well it was the thought 
 (Kelly) Seriously Bey, Chance is really nice and just relax your standards a little ok
(Beyonce) Ok I will 
(Kelly) Good.
(Michelle) *walking back into Bey's office* I just got off the phone with Chance and I gave him your number Bey and he said he'll call you around 5 when he get off work to tell you about your date 
(Beyonce) Yaee! -____- 
(Kelly) I'll watch Lyric for you tonight
(Beyonce) Ok I'll drop her off before I meet Chance tonight 
(Kelly) Ok
(Beyonce) Ok can yall get out my office now I have work to do and I'm sure yall do too
(Kelly) Ohhhhkaaaaay
(Michelle) We love you too
(Beyonce) *rolls eyes* What ever

I'm not trying to come off as a bitch or anything but Kelly and Michelle have been trying to hook me up since Lyric was two years old and none of their picks seemed to work out. My husband E'mon (Lyric's father) passed away when I was 8 months pregnant. He was shot and killed and his murderer was never caught mainly because the police didn't take the case seriously. They assumed because he was found dead in a rough part of Brooklyn he was killed either for drugs or gang violence. E'mon and I were high school sweet hearts and we married our senior year of college and only 3 years later I found myself pregnant with Lyric and 8 months later he was killed. E'mon never got a chance to see Lyric and since his death I never really been in a mood for dating. Now Kelly and Michelle my two bestfriends from college has been great to me. They've been pushing me back into dating and they were the ones who got me back on my feet and back to work after E'mon's death. E'mon was a song writer and he wrote for people like Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and other big names and he loved it. Before he died he always said if we were having a girl he wanted to name her Lyric so that's how Lyric got her name. Any who to keep my mind off E'mon I through myself into work and became CEO of my law firm. I received a lot of hate because its my fathers company and people said he promoted me to CEO because I was his daughter but what they failed to realize is that I worked damn hard to get to where I am right now. I never asked my father for a hand outs and I got the promotion because I am a damn good lawyer and I win all my cases. I have an impressive track rate of 28 wins and 0 looses so far. Anyway I locked up my office and left work an hour early so I can get ready for my date with Chance. I arrived home at four after I picked up Lyric from Elijah's house. We ate dinner then we started playing games until Chance called. Chance wanted me to meet him at a restaurant in the city which thank god wasn't that far from my house since he told me to meet home there at 9pm, which was way to late. I started to break the date off because of the time but I promised Kelly and Michelle that I would give him a try so that's what I did. I arrived at the restaurant at 8pm sharp and I saw him sitting at the table waiting on me. He looked amazing with his suit and hat and I must admit that I'm impressed.

(Beyonce) Hi, I'm Beyonce
(Chance) I'm Chance nice to meet you
(Beyonce) Its nice to meet you too
(Chance) So tell me about yourself
(Beyonce) Well its not much to tell, I'm 28, I'm a lawyer and I have a 3 year old daughter
(Chance) Oh you have a baby
(Beyonce) Yea is that problem
(Chance) Oh know *laughs* I have son and three daughters myself
(Beyonce) Really Kelly told me you didn't have any kids
(Chance) She must of misunderstood me. I told her I didn't have 1 kid truth is I have 4
(Beyonce) Oh ok.
(Waitress) Hi are you ready to order
(Beyonce) Sure I''l have the lobster with the shrimp appetizer please
(Waitress) And you sir
(Chance) Ummm I'm ok this water is perfect
(Waitress) Ok. Ma'am I'll be right back with your food
(Beyonce) Ok, you're not eating
(Chance) No I'm not hungry 
(Beyonce) Ok

Chance and I talked for about 10 minutes before my food arrived.

(Chance) Wow that looks good 
(Beyonce) Oh it is
(Chance) Can I have a piece
(Beyonce) O_o sure I guess.
(Chance) Thanks

Chance took half of my shrimp and my lobster

(Beyonce) I thought you wasn't hungry 
(Chance) Well I'm not
(Beyonce) I can't tell you just took half of my food
(Chance) Look baby imma be honest with you, I'm hungry 
(Beyonce) So why didn't you order anything
(Chance) Because your lobster was 17 dollars and your drink was 6 and your shrimp was 10 
(Beyonce) Okaaay
(Chance) Baby my mother only gave me 30 dollars for this date
(Beyonce) *laughs* wait what your mother paid for this date 
(Chance) Umm yea I get an allowance every two weeks, but I spent all my money on this outfit today so I had to borrow some money from my mother
(Beyonce) I thought you were a doctor at lease that's what Kelly told me and an allowance how old are you again
(Chance) I'm 35 and You know what your friend really should get her ears checked out. What I said was my name is Dr. Chaz. I want to be a rapper like you know like Dr. Dre
(Beyonce) So until your "rap career" take off what do you do for a living 
(Chance) Nothing
(Beyonce) So you're unemployed 35 year old man with 4 kids
(Chance) Yep
(Beyonce) You sound so proud
(Chance) I am because when my mother tuck me and my kids in bed a night-
(Beyonce) Wait!! you live with your mother and she tucks you and your kids in a night
(Chance) Yea *shrugs*
(Beyonce) You know what its late so ummm I should be leaving *standing up*
(Chance) Beyonce wait
(Beyonce) What?
(Chance) Can you take the bill, like I said I only have 30 dollars and I still have to get home. I have to fill my mothers car back up
(Beyonce) No you ate half the food so you're stuck with the bill. Goodnight
(Chance) Wait men please?!
(Beyonce) *walking out*

I walked out the restaurant with a smile on my face looking daamn good. I left his broke ass sitting there with the check in his hand. CH- Don't ask me how he got home.

TO BE CONTINUED..................



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