Chapter 9- Bethany Ann (Edited)

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I walked over to where my boss was waiting for me and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Sir?" I asked, cocking my head a little, showing a bit of my scar.

Roger Cather was his name, and he was a kind person to everyone. He stood about 6'2 and was pretty muscular. He had black hair that was slick back, but he had a cowlick, making some hair stick up in the back. He had kind brown eyes, that showed his love for everyone and everything. He was that guy that people came to when they had problems. He usually helped them out.

Roger did try to help me out, but I refused his help for so long that he had stopped trying. The only thing that he did was give me extra hours, so I could get paid a little more money than I was paid with my normal hours. He knew about me working more hours for those that couldn't be there and get the pay. He would yell at me about telling him to give them their pay, but I would calmly reply with a 'I don't need it'.

"Well?" I asked when he didn't answer right off the bat. "If there isn't anything, then can I go back to work?"

Roger turned and walked out of the building, and I had no choice but to follow him. I folded my arms across my chest and bit the inside of my cheek, wondering what he was wanting to do. He walked towards my truck and nodded to it. "Your window's open, and it's about to rain," he said, finally.

I looked up to see that there were dark clouds in the sky. "Yes, and?" I asked, glancing back at him, raising an eyebrow. "I was going to fix it when I was on break."

"Well, you can fix it right now, Ann," he replied. He sighed and shook his head. "Taylor-"

"Taylor needs the money more than I do," I interrupted him. "You know that she does, because of the sick kid that she has to take care of. With the truck, it still runs, so I'm fine with it. Rent's paid off this month and next. I don't have to worry about that. I have food that I eat, and Jeffrey is giving me some of the leftovers, so I can have something healthy." I paused and took a deep breath. "'Sides, you should know by now that I ain't goin' to take her money."

"Am not, Ann," he replied. "You are not going to take her money. You are a lady, so you should act like it."

Ok, really? He's pulling the gender code on me? Oh, puh-lease. I wasn't a lady, and I was certain that I would never be counted like one, with my background.

"A lady?" I asked, raising an eyebrow further. "Roger, I'm from The Hood, and I grew up knowing how to do... you know. People won't count me as an equal. 'Sdies, I know too much guy stuff to be counted as a girl."

Roger snorted and shook his head. "I know, Ann," he replied. He sighed and looked me in the eye, showing me the lost he was feeling, since I didn't let him help me. "Can you at least take some money and buy yourself a new vehicle. What will happen if it dies on you?"

I shrugged my shoulder. "Then I would find the nearest phone and call Tony to take it over to his shop. I'll work on it as well as working on the other cars. 'Sides, Tony says I don't have to pay for the stuff that I use, which is a good thing."

Roger nodded his head. "Well, you should fix your window to your truck and make sure that it doesn't get rained in. I'll be right here, making sure that no one sneaks up on you."

I rolled my eyes and walked to my truck bed, where I had a hammer and a small gun that I had hid. "I have a hammer in here, so I should be fine," I replied. I reached into it and grabbed the sledgehammer before walking to my truck.

"Aren't you going to use the passenger door?" Roger asked, while he saw me trying to climb through the window.

"It doesn't work," I replied. I tossed the hammer into the car and climbed through the window. "Why do you think I use a window?" I twisted around and looked at him, grinning a lazy grin.

Roger snorted and shook his head. He stayed silent, watching me try to fix the door.

I rolled my eyes at him before I rolled up the window, not wanting to break it. After that, I tapped door with the hammer a few times and then tried opening it. Sure enough, it didn't work. I tried three more times, before opening the window and tossing it out. I closed it again, not wanting to break it with what I was going to do.

"Watch it, Ann. You could've hit me."

I ignored Roger and leaned back in my seat. I snarled, feeling my anger grow. I was so sick and tired of everything, that I let Laurie take control with kicking the door to calm her down. I kicked the door, using all of my Wolfy strength.

Three kicks later, it opened up, finally. However, it almost fell off it's hinges and the frame, and I was sure that I broke the door.

Two barks of laughter were heard, while Laurie retreated into the back of my mind, making my eyes turn more green.

I blinked and saw a retreating back of someone with a purse before I looked to see Roger leaning against a small car, holding his side and laughing. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Y-y-you a-a-and the door," he replied. He clutched his side more. His mouth was wide open, and he was panting like a dog. However, he was still laughing, and I didn't think it was that funny.

I frowned, not knowing why he was laughing so hard. "Well, I'm glad that you thought it was funny, Roger." I got out of the truck and closed the door, glad that it stayed. I opened it up and was glad when it opened all the way. "But, I have to get back to work." I closed the door, again, picked up the hammer and placed it back in the truck. I walked back inside, still ignoring the laughing male.


"-doesn't take their pay. They get the amount of the hours she had worked, plus the amount that they had been paid for all ready," I heard someone say, when I went over to the table that my mate sat at.

"So, basically she works their hours, but she doesn't get their money," my mate said, probably confused on why I didn't take their money.

"Basically, ya," I said, glaring at the male who had brown eyes. He had been spying on me. I was sure that my mate didn't put him up to it, but I was sure that he would make some people watch over me.

They all looked up at me, startled. The second male's face paled because I was glaring at him hard.

He moved a hand across his neck, sheepishly. "I- uh..."

"Were making sure that Mr. Cather wouldn't do anything to me," I said, not knowing why he would do that. "You don't have to. I survived on my own for a long time and know how to fight. I don't need handouts. I'm capable of living and working on my own." I glanced at my "mate" while I said that, pointing it out that it was for him. "Now, would you like a refill of your drinks? Or do you just need to-go boxes?"

"Uh, to-go boxes, please," my "mate" replied.

I nodded my head, indicating that I heard him. I turned around and walked away from them, well it was probably more stalking away from them. I didn't need them to take care of me. Why would they want to? I was just a half-breed, and I couldn't even shift.

I shook my head and huffed, not thinking about it. I was glad that they were leaving, because it meant that I could actually work without being watched.

However, I was sure that he was going to put someone on me, making sure that I would be all right. I guess I have to go through the Werewolf books that I had gotten from a Werewolf. I needed to see if there was a way for them to leave me alone. To hell with being watched like some sort of pampered "princess", when it was them that needed to be watching out for me.

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