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Hi I just want to say thank you to everyone for commenting and voting and especially getting this story to 8.19 k read I never thought that it would get any so thank you so much.
Im writing this to let you know that I have not abandoned this book or any other and that I will come back but I've been taking a bit of a break and just being a reader not a writer.
I will come back but I have a lot going on I'm about to go into post-16 to do my a-levels and this summer I've been volunteering and trying to get a job. I also went on ncs and holiday with my family! I will try and write more but with a-levels and I have dance exams and I'm helping my sister plan her wedding as her maid of honour but I will try to write and soon as possible.

I love you all and I just wanted to say sorry for slow up dates and thanks for all the support. Xxxxxxxxx

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