The day after harrys 11th birthday

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Harry and Hagrid just walked in to the leaky caldron.

"The usual hagrid?" asked dad
"No sorry tom were on Hogwarts business" said my uncle hagrid well he isn't related by blood but I see him a lot an he is like my uncle.
"Oh please stay uncle hagrid" i said then looking over at the boy he was with" Oh merlin it Harry Potter"
"Is it? is it really its Harry Potter! It's Harry." Said dad coming out from behind the bar to come meet Harry.
" Nice it meet you Harry I'm Bella my dad owns the bar I was wondering when you where going to go to Hogwarts." I said and at the same time shaking his hand
" what you go to Hogwarts but you work in a bar aren't you to old to go to school?"
" No silly I only work in the holidays and I am only 16 I in 6th year still 1 year to go till 7th and then I get to choose if I want to Go back or not and we'll I properly am I do love it there." I expend then stepped back to let other people come and say hello.

Time skip to 1 September Hogwarts express
POV still Bella's

I was in the compartment waiting for my best friend in the whole world Percy Weasley even if he can some times be a prat but what are you going to do? Just then I heard two very formula voices
The twins
Oh no I jumped up and looked out the compartment door to see the twins half way in a compartment.then I yelled...
" FRED AND GORGE WEASLEY GET OUT OF THAT COMPARTMENT NOW AND LEAVE THAT FIRST YEAR ALONE OR I WILL TELL PERCY AND YOUR MOTHER!!!" Just then they came slowly out of the compartment and bolted yelling back
" Nice to see you to"said gorge
"PRINCESS " yelled Fred knowing that would get on my nerves but I ignored it and went to see if the first year was ok and saw Harry.
"Well hello Harry nice to see you again" I said in the door way with a grin on my face.
When Harry noticed me he jumped up and hugged me.when he pulled away he was grinning from ear to ear
"I missed you Bella your the only person I really know here and wait you were the person that yelled at the twins Fred and gorge and then they called you princess and why princess" he asked in a hurry
"Well I missed you to and yes I was the person that yelled at the twins and they called me princess because well I am best friends with there brother Percy and they think I'm a princess because the teacher at school like me and well I'm a prefect so yeah I better be going bye" I said
Then I ruffled his hair and walked out the compartment.

Well that the end of the chapter well I hoped you liked it.
P.s. I will be skipping to Harry's third year cuz I love that book and more interesting things happen in that book and yeah.

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