Chapter 9 - I swear on us!

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That night, neither Clary or Dom could sleep. They were too happy to sleep. At around 1am, Dom got up and went to the kitchen. When he got there, he saw a shady figure and turned on the light. He saw Clary in lacey pyjamas drinking a glass of milk. Clary turned around to see who turned on the light and smiled when she saw Dom.

CLARY "Can't sleep?"

Dom shook his head.

CLARY "Want to watch Elf with me?"

DOM "It is the middle of summer. Are you sure you want to watch Elf?"

CLARY "It is never too early for a Christmas movie."

DOM "Sure, why not."

They both cuddled together on Clary's bed and watched Elf for about half an hour, when Clary's laptop went flat.

CLARY "I am still too awake to go to sleep."

DOM "Same."

Dom was about to suggest they go to his room and watch, when Clary kissed him. Clary climbed on top of him and kissed him even harder. They kissed until the night was out, both scared they would lose one another if they rushed into doing other things. They were still kissing when Harry walked into the room and gasped.

HARRY "What the hell!?"

When they heard Harry, they stopped making out and Clary got off of Dom.

HARRY "When I said you could ask my sister out, I never expected to find you in the same bed in only a day!"

CLARY "Relax Harry, I am an adult now. I can do what I want."

HARRY "By 'what' you obviously mean 'who'."

CLARY "Jesus Harry, what is wrong with you?"

HARRY "What is wrong with me? I just found my sister in the same bed as a man she has only known for a week, that is what is wrong with me!"

DOM "I promise you; we were just kissing. We were not doing anything else."

HARRY "You know what? Do whatever you want. But don't come for me and you need money for an abortion!"

And with that, Harry stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

Clary started crying. Dom put his arm around her to comfort her.

DOM "What's wrong?"

CLARY "My brother is mad at me and he hates you. 2 people I care about the most aren't even getting along and it is all because of me."

DOM "Clary, listen to me. None of this is your fault. If your brother can't accept me, that is fine. I will just avoid him."

CLARY "You share a dorm with him, you guys can't just avoid each other."

DOM "Clary, I swear on the angel that everything will get better. To hell with that, I swear on us."

CLARY "Why us?"

DOM "Because there is nothing I believe in more. I love you, Clary. I have loved you since the first time I set eyes on you."

CLARY "I love you too."

Dom pulled Clary in for a kiss. Suddenly, Izzy knocked on the door and they pulled apart.

IZZY "Come on, breakfast is ready."

CLARY "Did you make it?"

IZZY "No, Simon did. Come on, I'm starving."

When Izzy left the room, Clary smiled.

CLARY "Thank god!"

DOM "What is it?"

CLARY "Izzy's cooking is disgusting. Lethal! I am just happy that anyone other than her is cooking."

DOM "Oh."

CLARY "Come on, Simon makes the best food ever."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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