Chapter 1 ❤️

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Here I am in the airplane moving from Los Angeles, California to Sidney, Australia.
If you are wondering why that is, it's because my father works in an industry that requires moving alot. For my mom it's not a problem because she is the owner of her own company, she works in the Fashion Industry, so basically she is always at the hight of fashion. So I guess you could say my family is pretty wealthy.
My name is Laura Hamry, I am 18 years old, I was born on July 16th 1996. I have an older bother named Benjamin, but family and friends call him Ben. He is 19 years old. My favorite animal is the penguin and my favorite color is blue. I really like any kind of blue. My favorite band is 5 Seconds Of Summer, because let's face it, they are super hot, and their music is awesome. Luke is obviously my favorite. He is really hot and I just feel as if when he smiles, it just makes me want to smile and his laugh is just the cutest thing. He's also my celebrity crush.

So anyways, I'm in the First Class part of the plane sitting next to my fucking brother. My parents know how much of a pain Ben is in the plane, always annoying you because he's hungry or that he's bored. So very naturally, they had to make me sit next to him.

Thanks mom.

Thanks dad.

We aren't near ariving, so I guess I'm gonna have to put up with my brother for the next 15 hours.
Yay. Note the sarcasme.

"Laura?" Asked my brother.


"Wanna play UNO or something because I'm bored as shit." Replied my brother.

"In your dreams. UNO is the worst game invented and you know I hate that game."

I absolutely hated that game, not because it was very lame, trust me I alredy knew that, but because Ben always won. Call it jealousy, I don't care.

"You just hate it because you know I always win." Smirked Ben.

We both knew what he was saying was true, but there was no way I was going to admit it.

"No, because you are the most annoying person living and when ever I play a game with you, you always make a mess and expect me to clean it up." I shrugged.

"Whatever you say, wonderful sister of mine!"

"Fuck you Ben" I replied, getting fed up.

"Love you too" he told me, grinning.

"Shut it, will you?" He was getting on my last nerve.

I decided to take a nap because I was getting really tired. Waking up at 5 in the morning to take a damn plane for the other side of the world isn't as pleasent as it seems.


Hey guys!! So this is my first Fanfiction ever or story for that matter and I wanted to tell you guys that I'm not super motivated and I'm really sorry for that so I wanted to tell you guys that I will be trying my best to update often and I really don't want to let you guys down. Anyways, if you couldn't tell already, this is a Luke Hemmings fanfic. I also wanted to mention that I live in France so there is a time difference so if you don't get the updates when you want, it's either the time difference or that I just didn't update. The picture on the side is the model Miranda Kerr. I imagined her to be Laura. I will try to get a better cover where you can actually see the title and not half of the character's faces.
I wasn't really sure how to put who are the celebrities playing my characters so I decided to just list them:

Laura Hamry: Miranda Kerr
Luke Hemmings: Luke Hemmings
Benjamin Hamry: Theo James
Ashton Irwin: Ashton Irwin
Calum Hood: Calum Hood
Micheal Clifford: Micheal Clifford
Katherine Clutcherson: Selena Gomez
Courtney Walker: Megan Fox
Emily Briant: Chloe Moretz
Emma Hamry (mom): Natalie Portman
David Hamry (dad): George Clooney (I know he is quiet old but I couldn't find anyone)
So those are all the the actors/models that I imagined for the characters in this fanfic. I know that's alot but once we get further into the story, you guys will know who all these characters are. 😘
Thx for reading

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