(Edelgard x Reader) Crestless

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(A/n): This may contain minor spoliers, Edelgard's backstory shared from her supports with Byleth are discussed. Also I originally made this Male reader but I edited it to be gender neutral, tell me if there's any slip ups.

You were a member of the Black Eagles, the house that Edelgard led. She was to be the next Imperial Queen, so of course she was an important person. But her importance also made her hard to approach and Hubert being constantly by her side didn't help to ease your nerves, so you never really spoke to her. While you were from a noble house you weren't as important since you were born without a crest. Nobles who gave birth to crestless children usually labeled them as bastards and tossed them aside, your parents were no different. They refused to name you as the next heir and simply left you at the monastery, figuring that you could at least be a knight.

'Yeah right, as if I'd ever work for them', You thought as you made your way to the training grounds. Even if your parents didn't expect much from you, you still worked hard. You don't do it to please them, you do it to prove that even regular people can be strong. If brute strength is all you've got, then that's all you'll need to prove those damned nobles wrong. You picked up your training axe and swung it, easily adjusting to the weight of it. You continued to swing it at the air, attempting to swing faster, harder, but it all seemed pointless. You've been at it for hours now and nothing had improved, you only tired yourself out. You fell to the floor and laid there for a while to catch your breath, although you immediately sat up once you heard footsteps behind you.

"Training hard as always, its already dark. Your dedication is admirable however, overdoing it will cause more harm than good. " It was Edelgard, she smiled as she walked towards you.

"I can't stop now, I'm still too weak." You tried to get up but your body was exhausted, your muscles screamed for a break. Edelgard noticed your failed attempt at standing up and offered her hand for you to take. You accepted her help but almost fell once you stood up, your legs were unsteady and they refused to hold you up.

"See? You can hardly stand. Come, I'll help you to your dorm." She offered her shoulder for you to lean on, you stubbornly shook your head and tried to walk on your own. Your knees were about to give out until Edelgard rushed to help keep you standing, she sighed and placed your arm around her. It was an odd sight, almost as if she was escorting a drunkard back home. "Why do you insist on working yourself to the point of collapsing? What could possibly drive you to be so reckless?" 

"I just want to get stronger, that's all." She looked at you as if she didn't believe you but you turned your head away from her. Even if you weren't looking at her, you could tell she wanted more of an explanation. You sighed and shook your head before speaking, "My family doesn't expect much from me, the only reason I was sent here was to become a knight."

"I thought you were their only child? Why aren't they making you the heir?" Edelgard looked at you, confused. When you didn't speak she slowly began to put together the pieces. "Wait, do you not have..?" A glance of your face answered her question, your eyes were downcast and there was a change of mood. You firmly planted your feet on the ground and stood up, no longer leaning on Edelgard for support.

"Thank you for helping me, although I would appreciate it if you forgot this conversation. It would be better if you weren't around me, I am just a crestless bastard after all, it wouldn't be good for your image." Before Edelgard could speak you continued to walk towards your dorm. She was left with slight regret for bringing up the subject of crests, although she wasn't fond of them either. Edelgard sighed and planned to apologize in the morning, for now she walked back to her own dorm and slept. 

As you entered your own dorm you stepped on an unopened letter. Curious, you knelt down to pick it up and felt sick as soon as you recognized the seal. It was from your parents, if you could even call them that, you reluctantly opened the envelope and read the note. After reading the note you ripped it up, it was obvious what the message was. Your parents are having another child, your replacement, and they firmly reminded you of your worthlessness. They threatened to disown you if you failed to become a knight or if you told anyone that you were crestless. It certainly ruined your mood as you tried to get some rest.

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