(Soleil x male!reader) Birds and Flirts

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(F/n)'s POV
Me and Soleil were good friends, I was the only kid her age back in her deeprealms, so it was only natural that we'd get along.

Flashback 10 years back no ones pov

"Hey! Look at that one!" Soleil pointed at a bird that was completely white. She ran around, chasing it, (f/n) laughed and followed after her. The bird flew away and rested at a nearby tree. "What kind of bird was that?" She asked him, her eyes filled with wonder. "Its a white Dove, my mom told me they symbolize peace and love." Her eyes widened as if she was taken aback by his knowledge however, that wasn't it. "(F/n), don't move." She said, her face suddenly became serious. He blushed and looked at her, confused. She then tackled him to the ground, shouting in joy. When his back hit the floor a small "oomph" escaped his lips. "Did I get it?!" She opened her hands that were cupped, and looked dissapointed. "Aw, I was sure I caught it!" Soleil sat up, still on top of him.
"S-Soleil, can you get up please?" (F/n) asked, hiding his face from her. She noticed the position they were in and hugged him. "Nope." She replied, holding him tightly. He sighed and smiled, his embarrassment going away. "I'm glad you're here with me." Soleil said, her voice was low but he still heard. He smiled and hugged her back.

End of flashback (F/n)'s POV

I sighed as I remembered the embarrassing things of the past. I was currently at a new cafe that had opened in Hoshido, Soleil took a sip of her tea as her eyes widened in surprise. "This tastes amazing! Better than anything Dwyer can brew, don't tell him I said that though." She said winking. I took a sip of the tea I ordered, she was right this stuff is good.

"This is a perfect spot for scouting!" She said excitedly, I looked at her confused. "Scouting? Don't tell me you invited me for tea to get girls to come over!" She laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her neck. "W-what no, that's not what I had in mind at all..." Her eyes trailed off as her sentence began to fade out. Her sight was fixed on a Hoshidan girl, "wow, what a cutie." She was about to get up but I grabbed her hand. "Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked her, she looked at me confused so I sighed. I told her to wait there and got up to talk to the Hoshidan girl in a white yukata with pink sakura petals. "Excuse me miss, I was wondering if you would like to have a cup of tea with me and my friend. We're from a small village in the north and we're very curious about Hoshido's culture."

The Hoshidan girl quickly accepted and sat down to join us, of course Soleil started to freeze up. "H-hey! W-what's your name?" Soleil managed to get out between stutters, I sighed and just let things play out for now. Her name was Hako (random npc) and she was born and raised in Hoshido's capital, she was actually quite nice and like Soleil said sort of cute. 2 minutes later the girl smiled and Soleil fainted, I would've been worried but I knew it would happen so I laughed.

"Please excuse my friend, she gets quite nervous around new people. Please, you'll have to excuse us." After excusing ourselves and paying for the tea I carried Soleil back to where the others were staying. By others I meant Forrest, who was dragged here, Dwyer, and Ophelia. We were staying at a Hoshidan inn as a sort of new experience since the war was already over.

Everyone was a bit unsure about sharing a room with Soleil since we were all aware of her... Behavior. Of course I bit the knife and roomed with her. Which basically meant babysitting her and making sure she doesn't pass out in public or disclose who we are. While it technically shouldn't matter that we're Nohrians, I strongly suggested we kept it to ourselves in case there was any bad blood left. Although I had to admit, it wasn't that different from what I did back in the deeprealms. Man, I used to be able to control her actions more but now... She's wayy too eccentric.

Either way we, or rather I, made it to our room without much of a fuss. Dwyer was most likely looking into Hoshidan tea and Forrest was probably with him, either that or Ophelia dragged him off to explore Hoshidan magic. Hopefully she doesn't bother too many locals with her odd manner of speech. I laid Soleil on the bed and simply chuckled to myself before she regained consciousness.

"D-did I impress the local cutie?" She grinned and asked, to which I simply shook my head. "You fainted as soon as she smiled, you idiot." Her smile rubbed off on me and I soon found myself laughing, I'm not surprised though since her smile always was contagious. "Gods, you're a handful. No wonder Ophelia was practically frightened about rooming with you. You always run off and try to flirt with some poor local." The last part was a bit quieter than the rest but she heard nonetheless. Her gaze fell onto mine as her eyes were brimming with pride. "But this time its different! I swear!" Soleil protested with a rather intoxicating look in her eyes, she sat up as I stayed on my chair. I took the light in her eyes as a sort of challenge and met her grin with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? How is it different then?" As soon as the words escaped my lips Soleil grinned even more. "Because now I have you, a fairly attractive guy with the heart of an angel." She winked, which added a blush to my face. "Yeah, keep up the flattery. Maybe I won't complain about having to drag you here." I remarked while chuckling at her now sheepish grin. "I mean you really know how to reel them in! Maybe I should learn a few things from you." We ended up laughing at our seemingly ridiculous conversation. We continued the light banter until the conversation railed off to our childhood.

"You used to be such a bird nerd back then." She teased, knowing that I was raised by a bunch of nature lovers. "Well, this bird nerd can be just as good as you are at you're own field." I smirked, her eyes narrowed and gave a playful grin. "Hit me with your best line then, bird nerd." As soon as she took the challenge I grinned from ear to ear. I got up from my seat and swiftly whispered in her ear.

"I'll be your dove, but you won't get any peace at night." Her face immediately became flushed and she couldn't even respond. I backed away with a triumphant smile on my face. "Well, I better go see if the others are back. Its getting dark outside." I winked as I left the speechless Soleil in the room. "T-that one was too good."


Hopefully no one minds the excessive amounts of smug in this one. And hopefully (f/n)'s pick up line wasn't too bad or predictable, since it took me a while to come up with one.

Also Soleil is just one of my personal favorites from Fates, along with Hinoka, Odin, Niles, Laslow, Nyx, and Rinkah. Again I'm open to requests and updates will be a little inconsistent since I'm dealing with a crap ton of summer homework for my honors classes. I have Spanish (easy), US History (lots of reading), and Chemistry (lots of math). So wish me luck and hopefully I'll survive ;-;

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