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"Should I really need to do this? Going to an actual school? Mom?" Byungchan asked while her mom was fixing his tie for him. His mom looked up at him and tapped his shoulders after she finished what she was doing. Byungchan looked back with a frown. "I was doing great with homeschooling... and then now? I suddenly have to go that place? What for?"

His mom smiled in exchange of his complaint. She walked away from her son and went to the table for her cup of tea. She sipped a little and sat on the table, facing him. Byungchan turned around to face her mom.

"We had talked about this, son... a million times." His mom answered coolly. "Unfortunately, it was your father's call, not mine." She shrugged.

Byungchan sighed. He knew he had just lost the argument. He can't defy his father's orders and that was very clear to him.

"Now, get your bag and trot away." his mom continued.

"Just look how dashing you look at that school uniform, son. You don't want to waste that look of yours inside this house, do you?" She smiled. "And besides, your driver has been waiting for you outside. Don't be late for your first day, honey"

Without any more words, he kissed his mom goodbye and headed out of her study with heavy footsteps.

Choi Byungchan, nineteen and the heir of Choi Construction Companies will be having his very first day of school, ever. Home school was all he had ever done but now. He was requested by his father to attend to an actual school and just like any other good son, and a chaebol, he had to obey.

"You are nervous, aren't you?" Mr. Ko, his driver, asked him while looking at the rear-view mirror. They halted at the red light and he saw Byungchan looking aimlessly outside.

Byungchan sighed. "Can't we just skip and go to a beach, Pops? Summer's not yet over, right?" he asked. He calls his driver Pops and he was not ashamed of it. Mr. Ko has been Byungchan's driver, playmate and best friend since he was seven years old. Twelve years together honed their bond just like a father and a son. Pops smirked at him.

"Do you want to lose me?" he asked. "You know what will happen if we do that." He looked at Byungchan and gave a wry smile. "Your sister's still in college and I wouldn't be able to send her If I lose my job. That is , if I grant that wish." He explained as he started driving again. "Besides, we're almost there."

"Aish!" Byungchan whined.  Of course he knew Pops wouldn't allow him either. "I just don't get it Pops! Why should I have to do this?" he asked furiously dropping his body on the backseat. "Saying yes to that agreement was already too much for me. Why can't I just be at home and stay unknown to the world?" Instead of answering, Pops laughed at him.

That's Choi Byungchan. Whines a lot, acts like a kid, talks out loud and likes being unknown to others.

"So... are you nervous?" Pops repeated after pulling over. He looked at Byungchan and handed him his bag. "We're here."

Byungchan got up from laying and got the bag. He also fixed his coat and hair. "No, I'm not." He answered pouting. "See you later. Please don't be late. I want to go home as soon as I can." he coldly said as Mr. Ko wished him good luck.

He stepped out of the car and a young lady who seemed to be a student assistant walked towards him. After a short greeting, the assistant guided Byungchan to his classroom.

He lied. He was nervous. But he didn't want it to show up so he mustered his courage and breathe the negativity out. He had no choice anyway so might as well find a way to enjoy this new experience. He looked around and was pretty much impressed with the school's façade. 

The buildings were like the ones you can see in ancient Rome. They were erected with the help of strong columns and high roofs. Anyone could mistake it for a museum. They passed through an open area, which seems to be a garden, where a fountain with naked angels was in the middle. There was also a long man-made pond behind the fountain and just across the main building. The school was impressive but he just wished that it will continue to impress him.

He followed the assistant until they reached the classroom. Everyone seemed to have arrived. They were busy making all sorts of noise inside with their own businesses. But as the assistant entered the room, the noise immediately died out.

With uncertainty he also stepped in the room. He scanned the whole room while carefully not focusing on anyone. There were only fifteen of them and he was the sixteenth. He thought that it was a small number of kids to make one class. But why would he care? As long as he distance himself to them, he would be alright-- that was his thought. 

Ultimately, all fifteen pairs of eyes were darting at him. The feeling of it made him even nervous. Great.

"Good morning seniors." The assistant spoke and just like a signal everyone found their ways to their own desks quietly.

"I have here with me your new classmate for this term..." she continued. "I am hoping that you'll be equally friendly to him. Like how we saw all of you just now." The assistant's voice was with authority. No one from them answered. Surprisingly, this was not what Byungchan was expecting. He expected that social status will play a big role in this school and that these chaebols would rule since they pay so much. Perhaps, he was mistaken. Every one of them seemed to be really paying attention to the assistant with respect on their eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes, then." She said. "Your teacher will be here any minute so Mr. Choi..." she looked at Byungchan. "You can take the empty seat at the back." she finished.

"Thank you so much." Byungchan bowed and proceeded to his desk. He didn't want to look at anyone so he lowered his head while walking. Just after he had found his seat the assistant immediately stepped out of the class.

Everyone stayed quite, including him. After he organized his desk, he felt calmer knowing that everyone of them were seated in front of him. He felt nice knowing that nobody could ever stare at him. He scanned the room again for a good view and slipped a little smile. He looked at his seatmate, too. A male student named Im Sungjoo was in his left. He seemed to be quite nice as he offered him the snack he was munching. He turned to her right and saw a female student. And just as he was having nice thoughts, his mind suddenly went blank.

"What... are you... doing... here?" he asked in a low voice.

The female student looked back at him.

"I should be the one asking you that question... dummy." Lee Sami answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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