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wow i really do have THE most attractive friends on planet earth like jesus mcfuckung christ i love you guys so much you're so gorgeous and lovely and perfect and you deserve all the goodness and happiness in the world i love i stan please all of you never leave you're the most PERFECT beings in the universe cnxbbxbzvdhsshdhsjahdh every time i see you guys and speak to you guys my heart goes badum badum because of the intense love i have for y'all aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA i love my friends they are literally the definition of pure and radiant and all positive words that exist i'm actually crying right now because of your existences like how am i so privileged to know people like you????? literally how???????? why the fuck has my font changed well ANYWAY i love you guys with my heart and soul and bzbxhxh i do not even have the words to describe you guys you're just that amazing i should go now ok bye bye i love u all wowowowowowowowoowowowowoow

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