Belle's POV_________

Rumple woke up a few weeks ago and disappeared. Amber has been upset so have I but I had to stay strong for her. 

We are in the library when we heard the elevator open and we saw him

"Rumple!" I said running to him giving him a hug and Amber did the same

"I missed my two favorite girls" he said

"Why did you leave?" asked Amber

"I was ashamed to see you both again after what I have done.. I heard Emma is now the dark one" he said

"Better someone else then my dad" Amber said

Zelena's POV____________

I got rushed to the hospital with Regina, Mia, and Robin behind me

"You have to stay clam" Robin said

"Shut up I was a fake midwife and I already gave birth once I know the drill!" I yelled in pain as the wheelchair came and wheeled me into one room. 

"Zelena why would Emma do this?" Regina asked

"I have no idea" I said

"Are you sure it was her?" Regina asked

"Let's say when the dark one offers you food don't eat it" I said going into the room with Robin and the doctors. 

"Alright what are we doing today?" The doctor asked

"There is an angry baby inside of my get it out!" I yelled

"You know the last time I gave delivered a baby you tired to steal it, but why try to steal one when making one is much more fun?" he said

Is he for real?

"We really need another doctor in this town and what is with the dye job?" Regina said

"So Emma changes her hair color and doesn't get ridiculed?" he said

"Ugh stop talking, didn't I kill you the last time I was here?!" I yelled

"No you threw me against the wall let's hope it doesn't happen this time.. Alright let's start" he said

Regina's POV__________

Belle, Amber and Snow ran in 

"Everyone get ready we have to protect this baby when it comes Emma wants it" Snow said

"She's here?" Robin said

"She will be soon and we found a spell the destroy light magic" Belle said 

"The only thing she needs then the x galloper is..." Snow said but I cut her off

"Cries of a newborn child" I read out

"Well she is not getting mine" Robin said 

"Regina take this cuff off me I can defend me and my child" Zelena said

"My child" Robin said

"My child, I am doing all the hard work" Zelena said

So everyone left the room while Zelena gave birth.

"Am I really helping Zelena?" I said in shock

"It's the right thing to do Regina, so you and Mia ready to meet the newst member of your family?" Snow asked

"No" Mia said

"Mia, we will get through it together" I said 

I took Mia and we went into the room. I held the baby and Emma showed up

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