Newt's idea

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It's the night before Newt leaves to go Egypt for three weeks. Tina at first, finds it difficult to sleep, but after convincing Newt to share her bed with her only to sleep in for the night, she drifts off to a comforting slumber. Newt, on the other hand, stays awake. His arms around a sleeping Tina and his ears hearing her deep breaths is calming, but there is still something nagging at him from the back of his mind.

We love each other. We love each other. But then....what does that mean for us now? Where do we go from here? What do I do now? It's too early for us to even think about marriage, right? But, we love each other so that must mean something significant must be done, right? We can't think about marriage yet, I mean we don't live together exactly. We haven't even talked about where we would live if we did. England or America? I have a feeling that talk will be coming soon. What could I do for the woman I love when I leave?

Newt's thought swims around many ideas for what to do for Tina. Then it hits him. Like a young Graphorn playing with their sibling, the idea hits him. He remembers back at Hogwarts an old tradition of last year students handing their beloved their house ring. It was supposed to represent the fact that even though they were going their seperate ways, they will be able to be with each other again. If he was never expelled, he wouldv'e reckoned back then that he might of given his hufflepuff ring to Leta. But Tina is his beloved. Leta's married to his brother now, she has a real gold band on her finger, not some silly promise ring. But for Tina, it will be perfect. A promise ring. Another promise made since the one he made to her about his book. He kept that one and he will keep this one too. A promise that no matter what they will find each other again and be with each other, the one they love.

Newt drifts off soon after.


Newt gets up early, does his morning feeding rounds, gets dressed and prepares breakfast for two. He climbs into his case and looks through all his drawers until he finnaly finds it. In a little back box, sits his house ring; a simple gold ring with a big black jewel and two smaller yellow jewels either side of it. It looks simple, yet the gesture of it is much more significant. He puts it into his suit jacketpocket and climbs up, just before Tina wakes up.


Tina blinks rapidly to adjust her eyes to the morning sunlight and gets up, walking into the living room and sees the spread on the dining table. She watches as Newt flows around the dining table, placing down two cups. Newt looks up and smiles when he sees her. She smiles too and goes to sit at the table, helping herself to a cup of coffee, which Newt just made, and a plate of toast, eggs and sausages. Newt leans in to kiss her cheek; "morning, dear. How is it you look so beautiful in the morning?"

Tina blushes. "Oh, Newt, you flatter me"

Newt sits down next to her at the table, cup of tea in hand and a plate of toast in front of him.

"You're not having anything more than that?" Tina asks him, gesturing to his plate.

"No, I will bee travelling by portkey to get to Egypt, and it can cause me to feel nauseous"

"I understand. I once travelled by portkey for work"

Newt puts down his cup. "Tina, I need to talk to you"

Tina nods and puts down her cutlery. Newt then takes both her hands in his.

"Ever since we said 'I love you', I've been thinking. Our relationship has moved forward, but not yet ready for anything big like living together or marriage, am I right in thinking this?"

Tina nods.

"Well, that's why I thought of a way to still be together, even when we are apart"

"Newt, what are you-" Tina stops when she sees Newt take something out of his pocket. He places a little black box in front of her. Tina just stares at it, not moving or even blinking. Her heartbeat suddenly increases.

"It's not what you think, Tina" Newt says as he opens the box and presents her the ring.

"Newt, that's a ring"

"I know, but it's not what you think. Let me explain; back at Hogwarts, there was this tradition that students in their last year were given their house ring. Mine's hufflepuff, which explains the colours"

"Just like yur scarf"

"Yes, exactly. Anyway, students usually gave their beloved ther house ring as a promise to say that no matter what direction they will go in life, even if it keeps them miles away from each other, they will always find each other in the end. It's a promise to stay together, no matter what happens. Thanks to dumbedore, i was bale to keep my wand and take my exams earlier than the other students. I got given this ring just before I had to leave due to my expulsion. I never got the chance to give this to my beloved. But now, your the woman I love and I want to give this to you so that whenever you see it or are wearing it, you know I will come back to you and will carry on loving each other as if there was never any distance between us."

Tina has tears in her eyes when he's finished. She squeezes one of his hands. Newt then uses his hands to take the ring out of it's box and holds it out to Tina.

"So, Porpentina Goldstein, will you accept this ring and promise me to never let distance seperate us or break our love?"

Tina looks into his eyes and smiles wider, tears now streaming down her cheeks. She nods.

"Yes Newt. I will accept your ring and I promise"

Newt's smile widens and he places the ring on her ring finger of her left hand. He strokes her finger with his thumb, both of them now looking down at the ring.

"Someday, there could be an engagement ring on this finger. Would you agree?"

"Yes, someday" she replies.

They kiss, then turns more passionately, until the clock chimes and makes them both break the kiss and look up at the time. It says 7'o clock. Newt has to go to MACUSA for the portkey soon. They eat breakfast in quiet happiness. Tina gets up to get dressed and then they walk together to MACUSA and stop at the department of international travel, where Tina finds herself once again saying goodbye to the British wizard.

"Goodbye, Newt. I'm gonna miss you"

"I'll miss you too. Goodbye, Tina. I love you"

"I love you too"

He kisses her chastely on the lips and strokes the ring on her finger. He then turns and grabs onto an old, beaten kettle and disappears with it in a swirl. Tina walks to the auror department all the while stroking the ring on her finger and smiling.

The end.

And that's the end of this quick story. Hope you all ike it. Like and comments as always are appreciated. This was inspired by my own hufflepuff (my house) ring I once got at a convention.

The ring in the middle in this picture is Tina's promise ring from Newt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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