Chapter 8

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Daylight had fully claimed the world around Changkyun as he drove down the road. He was uncertain about just how long he had been racing down the winding street, losing track of time within his escape. At some point, the emptiness of the fields were filled in by the green foliage of trees, bringing with it a fresh scenery. Every so often a car would drive by on the opposite side of the road, a good sign he was getting closer to some form of civilization. That to him was a very good sign, he could disappear rather easily when he was somewhere crowded.

Changkyun shifted uncomfortably in the drivers seat, exhaustion taking its toll on him, his back beginning to ache and burn now that the adrenaline was wearing off. He blinked his eyes a couple of times to keep them open to pay attention to the road, but it was becoming increasingly more difficult to do so. His face scrunched up in discomfort as he removed one hand from the steering wheel, reaching over his shoulder to press his fingers against one of the more painful spots he could reach. His fingers were met by that warm sticky substance he had thought was sweat, his head beginning to nob forward ever so slightly.

He pulled his fingers away, and the sight that greeted him was crimson red covering his fingertips. He stared in silent terror at the blood that coated his fingertips. So, preoccupied with that, he never saw the oncoming car, screeching tires filling his ears. Changkyun's head snapped up quickly, his hands gripping the steering wheel until silence reverberated around his senses and the pain quickly vanished as darkness took over his vision.

*** *** *** ***

He could hear voices, see flashing lights from behind his eyelids, they were coming from somewhere nearby. As consciousness returned to him, Changkyun was highly aware he wasn't sitting in a car anymore, he was laying somewhere on the ground. A jacket had been placed under his head, almost as if it were now a pillow. His eyes slowly opened to a graying sky glaring down at him, threatening rain at some point.

It wasn't the only thing to greet him.

Changkyun was greeted by a massive headache, rumbling stomach and exhaustion so overwhelming, it took everything within him not to close his eyes again. He listened to the people talking somewhere nearby, unable to make out their whispered words. He wondered if they were talking about him or of something else. At this point he just couldn't tell, and wasn't sure he wanted to with the headache he had. He already had enough thinking and worrying to do, he didn't need to add their conversation.

Sitting up slowly, a pained groan slipped passed Changkyun's lips. It felt far more difficult to sit up than it actually should have been. He felt so weak and tired, his whole body sore and heavy from everything he had just been through. He slowly took in his surroundings, stopping only when he caught sight of the SUV he had been driving. The entire front was smashed into a tree, crumpled like a tin can under someone's foot. He was lucky the engine hadn't been pushed up onto his legs, escaping the possibility of breaking or losing them all together.

"Karma sucks, doesn't it?"

The voice snapped Changkyun out of any thoughts currently crossing his mind, his attention quickly drawn to the voice's owner. Confusion washed over his face as the guy he saved earlier knelt down beside him. Though, the sarcasm in his voice was thick, you could still see a hint of worry in the man's sad eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

The question snapped Changkyun back to reality once more, forcing his mind to work once again. He was a bit worried about how much zoning out he had been doing at this moment. With a slow shake of his head, Changkyun averted his gaze downward.

"I feel like my head is splitting open, and my back feels like I just slid across a tree grinder. Not to mention all the energy zapped from me."

"That's to be expected, you were in a pretty bad accident, but I think your back happened earlier when I first met you."

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