16.waiting for u

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Manik is gng to his room whatever happened downstairs had definitely drown him down , he didn't that  feel "Apanapan"  from the every relation he have in his home bcz somewhere down the line he know the is the solo reason for it he is thinking all this while gng to his room , while crossing nandini's room he saw her room door is completely open nd nandini is sitting down on floor ideally nd numb not at all noticing her surroundings looking at her in this position he felt a ting of pain in his heart , he want to walk out but he couldn't so he slowly made his way towards nandini
M: (slowly) nandini!!!!!!
       Ummm....nan.....( clearing his throat) nandini (he shakes her a  bit holding his shoulder)
With this nandini jerked a bit nd looked at the source nd without talking anything she starred at Manik
M: I want to talk to u
Nandini jst nodded her head to continue him
M: I jst want to say SORRY , I'm sorry from bottom of heart , I shouldn't have done whatever I did with you nd I know a sorry couldn't mind my mistake, I......... ( nandini stopped him)
N: When u know that u shouldn't do this then y r u dng Manik,  actually mistake is not yours , its mine , I was the one who is mad , like a mad person I'm WAITING FOR U  I jst couldn't understand that a orphan like me nd never get love ( manik is nodding his head in no) till the day whatever ur family showed on me is jst a sympathy  they never actually loved me , they think that I'm a bad luck, every thing is fake everyone is fake ( she is breaking down completely nd not letting manik to handle her ) I'm mad I thought u love me , u will be always beside me never let me alone , I was waiting for u but what I got a beytral, u including ur family broked me completely,  that is y u took advantage of me , u used me like a tissue u jst looked at my body , u never thought anything beyond my body , ur love ur concern everything is not about me it's for sex ( manik got angry by listening this)
M: JST SHUT UP NANDINI  ( dragging her by holding her hands near to him) do u seriously think my love nd everything for u is jst for ur body ( hurt tone ) I really loved u damnit,  I really loved u , it was all love for me , u r my 1st love never in my dreams I thought about u like this
N: then y did u do this to me manik,  WHY??
      Did my love for u  is less , couldn't I satisfy u both mentally and physically then y did u do this manik , i can bear this pain it is getting unbearable I feel like dieing,  u made me like this manik , bcz of u , I lost my child , u killed my baby like u liked me , u don't deserve me or my baby , my baby!!!!( wiping her tears looking at manik) u know what manik , i hate that  I hate that I love u so much that I gave u a chance to hurt me so badly  , plz leave my room right now
Listening all this manik got hurt day happening's is taking a troll on him, he silently started moving out of the room
N: manik , till the day u saw my love but now u don't deserve it even though I love u never ever u will hold me again , u lost ur nandu when u decided to marry someone else and haa say ur family  stay away from me
Without talking anything manik moved out of room

Next day:
( note: my main focus is on manan , I don't want to drag it so this one month,  I'm gng to show in some parts)
Next day mrng manik is totally disturbed even though he went to pick veebha as from now till completion of this month veebha is get to stay in malhotra house
Manik nd veebha entered in malhotra house,  everyone's face is gloomy no one is talking something or other thing is running in there mind
Yash: welcome to malhotra house veebha , I hope it stay is good here ( veebha nodded her head in acknowledgement)
Sm: nd now onwards till one month u r gng to stay here as a family member , so plz learn to do all ur works by u nd be a helping hand in family too
P: we do have some rules to this house , I hope manik might said u everything 🤨
Veebha made a bored face nd listening to everyone as she jst entered into house everyone r triggering her mind but she stayed clam jst for manik as she know how much family matters to manik
V: I hope everyone's instructions r done , it's jst that I'm hungry
Na: breakfast is ready , u have it 😏
V: what about everyone??
C: don't bother us veebha we know , what to do  nd when to do , have  urs😠
Nyo: before that sign this documents ms.malik 😬
M: maa.....😒
Nyo : what!!!!!😤 we already discussed it right then y late
Veebha took that papers arrogantly nd read before signing
V: what is this , everyone in the family is get to sign this papers as witnesses nd if I couldn't impress u guys u won't accept our marriage even than we want to get marry manik should leave this family forever , nd u guys where will know manik can't go against his family that is y this clause is added , nd i don't accept it
Raj: veebha I think u have lack of confidence,  if not u will accept to our conditions as u can impress us
M: dad plz( requesting his dad with dull face )
V: ok then add another clause that , if everyone in the family accept me , Me nd manik is gng to stay away from u guys if want we can plan Sat nd sun together ( nyo never liked this attitude of her nd any mother won't accept to take her baby away from her even now nyo is angry on manik at the end of that manik is her son)
M: what the hell !!!! What r u guys thinking about me , am I a commodity that u guys want to win one on another 😡 I too have some feelings nd in human too respect me
Ab: u have lost ur respect as human , when u played with my sister nd don't ask for it 😡
C: cmg to ur feelings,  u never give damn about our feelings or nandu feelings remember that
Yash : shut up , everyone jst shut up nd manik u didn't gave any option otherthan this nd not to forget this clauses r made under family members guidelines especially ur parents that is y Nyonika was the 1st person  to talk about documents
After this veebha nd manik signed documents now family members r dng witnesses sign nd nandini is looking this drama from upstairs as she doesn't want to involve now it's her turn to sign bcz she is also member of the family
Sm: nandini come nd sign the papers
N: my opinion never matters that is y she is living here , so that my sign nd my presence shouldn't matter

Ignore mistakes


WAITING FOR U :♡♡MANAN STORY♡♡ (ON HOLD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя