Chapter 20: A New Life (The End)

Start from the beginning

Connor Point of view
I was so excited my father agreed to come over for dinner tonight, and he should be here any moment. I made sure that everything was ready, and Achilles was setting the plates.
Achilles: I don't know why you're making such a fuss for, he has had dinner before.
He says
Connor: I know but this time it is different, first time  it's going to be me, you and my father at one table. Also it's always nice doing normal things with my father, those times are rare.
I say as I observed the dinner table.
Achilles: still you seem nervous.
The truth was that, I didn't want my father to leave the Homestead. I actually wanted him to stay here, so him and I could see each other everyday.

I looked at the front door, and through the window I saw my father. My father opened the door, and I smiled warmly.
Connor: hello Father.
As he smiles at me, and shuts the door behind him.
Haytham: hello Connor.
He pats my shoulder, and rubs his hands together as I lead him to the kitchen.
Connor: cold?
Haytham: yes, it suddenly got pretty cold out there.
Connor: it is going to snow tonight.
Haytham: unlikely, it doesn't usually snow this early.
Connor: we'll see.
As we both entered the kitchen.

Haytham: do you need that hood on?
He asked slightly annoyed.
Connor: yes, now sit.
He rolls his eyes at me, and complies.
Haytham: evening Achilles.
Achilles: good evening Haytham, Connor take the hood off.
I scoff but obey.
Haytham: thank you, Achilles.
My father says, and I ignore that and we being to eat.
Achilles: So Connor, how is the treasure hunt going?
Achilles asked me
Connor: good, I think I know where it is. I just need to go, and get it.
Haytham: what treasure?
He asked curiously, before taking a bite from his food.
Connor: it belonged to a pirate, named Captain Kidd that's all I know.
Haytham: Kidd huh? My father knew him... or her.
He muttered, this soon caught my attention.
Connor: her?
I asked confused, of what my father was saying.
Haytham: he was really a woman, who disguised herself as a man.
Connor: huh, I did not know that.
Haytham: from the way I hear it, she was pretty Nasty pirate when she attacked her enemies.Worked alongside with Blackbeard.
Connor: Edward Thatch? No way my grandfather, knew Thatch too?
I asked eagerly
Haytham: he did, they were pretty close.
Connor: that's amazing.
I was fascinated by my grandfather story.
Achilles: Connor, you know Blackbeard was one of the cruelest pirates there was, right?
Achilles said
Connor: I know, but there have been Assassins who were pirates. That's doesn't mean anything.

Haytham: funny you should say that.
My father says
Connor: why's that?
Haytham: you know how I was saying, your grandfather knew Kidd and Thatch? Well, it's because he was a pirate as well.
Connor: my grandfather?
I said shocked of what I was hearing.
Haytham: yes, and eventually an Assassin.
Connor: and a Templar.... and now an Assassin.
I said sarcastically
Haytham: well you know how I became a Templar.
Connor: I know Reginald Birch, was responsible for grandfather death.
I sighed, it pained my heart that my own father wasn't with me.
Haytham: indeed, he was the one who taken me in and adopted me into the Templar order.
Connor: I'm assuming he sent you here, to begin the Colonial rite?
I asked stabbing the fork, into my food.
Haytham: yes and no son. I was sent here originally to search for precursor sites, I believe I told you that's how I met your mother.

Connor: oh right, that's also what Charles was doing when he decided to attack a four year old boy.
My father shifts uncomfortably, dam that's wasn't the best thing to say. I thought.
Haytham: he's gone Connor... he won't trouble you again.
Achilles: so, are you two leaving in the today right? Are you sure you want to travel in the snow?
Achilles says changing the subject.
Haytham: it won't snow.
My father insists
Connor: right keep saying that, but we will be fine. I will see to it, we are both warm enough.
Achilles: just be careful.
Connor: I will, but it shouldn't be a long trip.
Achilles: I know Connor, I just don't want you to die of a frostbite.
I rolled my eyes
Connor: please, I grew up living in this weather outside I can handle it old man.
I assured him.
Achilles: hmm you'd better.
I smiled Achilles isn't verbal when it comes to affection, but the way he worries about my well being I know he cares. I can't help but feel so lucky, Achilles has always been a father figure in my life and now I get to be close to my actual father. These two people mean, so much to me.

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