If You Could Only Know

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If you could only know

The hurt I feel each time

I think of you, you might

Begin to understand

What makes a faerie cry

You couldn't quite believe

The reasons I would give

If you asked to be told

The nature of my tears

And so I told you why

If you could only know

How many times each day

I picture in my mind

The look upon your face

When you begin to laugh

Or how your eyes look sad

The softness of your hair

The beauty of your soul

And whatever I am

You are the other half

I cannot comprehend

How I could recognize

The one I've waited for

The instant that we met

And have known since that day

While you are truly fond

And care I do believe

But would not take the chance

That alters suns and moons

And gave your heart away

If you could only know

How precious you've become

How all that I create

You still inspire so

You may begin to see

That I might be the one

For whom you were brought back

But if you never know

The chance will pass us by

And love will never be

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