Chapter 2

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Cronus waited impatiently for Kankri to return. He didn't like being alone, it made him feel restless and in the state he was in, he couldn't even get up and move around. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long.

Kankri re-entered the room shortly after with a soft smile, "I hope Porrim didn't give you too much of a hard time."

"Oh give me some credit, " Cronus scoffed, "You know who I am right? I've dealt with tougher."

Kankri chuckled and got to work checking Cronus' vitals, "Yeah, well I just wanted to make sure. She's pretty much the definition of tough love."

"You're tellin' me, angel," Cronus sighed, sinking deeper into his bed.

"I said no nicknames," Kankri snapped. There was a pause and when he spoke again it was softer, "Besides, I'm a nurse so let's hope you're not seeing any angels any time soon."

Cronus laughed, "Sorry chief. But when I first woke up, I was worried I'd died and gone to heaven. They don't make faces like yours every day down here."

Kankri glanced over at Cronus, "Please do try and stay professional, Mr Ampora."

"Yup, of course," Cronus said, making no attempt to conceal his shit-eating grin.

Throughout the rest of the day, Kankri was in and out of Cronus' room, bringing him food and water as well as giving him regular check-ups.

He may have also been there a bit more often than strictly necessary. This may have been because Cronus made a habit out of calling for him any time he got bored. By the time Cronus was ready to leave, Kankri was in his room almost constantly. Keeping him company and entertaining his short attention span.

At last, Porrim returned to give her final verdict. "Well, Mr Ampora. I'm happy to say that your recovery has been a swift and successful one," she declared.

Cronus was sitting up in his bed now and bounced his leg impatiently. "Of course it was Doc, I'm a seadweller."

"That you are," Porrim agreed. "Now remember what I told you about keeping your bandages clean and yourself off the road for a while. Don't do anything reckless, we wouldn't want you right back in here, now would we?"

Cronus opened his mouth to answer but Porrim carried on speaking, "That was rhetorical, Mr Ampora. Now you are free to leave, your medical bills will be sent to your place of residence and if any conditions worsen over the next week or so, don't hesitate to contact us."

Porrim shut her folder with a snap and smiled, "Have a good day, Mr Ampora."

Cronus stood with some effort and nodded, "Thanks, you too doc. Oh and, tell Kankri I said goodbye." And with a wink, he was gone.

The moment he left, Porrim dropped her smile and let out a breath. She took a second to think over her next course of action before leaving the room as well.

She walked hurriedly toward a nearby room where she knew Kankri would be busy with Mr Nitram, the one other patient currently in the building. Things were quiet around here, not too many people wanted to be given healthcare by trolls. Except for other trolls at any rate.

Because of this, Porrim knew she had time for a quick conversation with Kankri. And a conversation was certainly in order. She leaned into the room, "Kankri, once you're done with that, I need you in room 134 please."

Kankri nodded, "Of course Porrim."

She headed off to the room in question, a room she knew was empty for now. A few minutes later, Kankri entered as well. "What did you need?" he asked.

Porrim pointed at the chair next to hers. "Take a seat, Kankri. I wanted to talk to you for a moment. It's about Cronus."

Kankri followed her orders and worried at his sleeve, "Yes, he just left did he not. I was rather happy with his healing. I do think he will recover quickly. Being a highblood and all-"

Porrim shook her head and gave Kankri a worried look. "That's not what I wanted to discuss. You do know who he is, right?"

Kankri nodded, "Yes, I know. A member of the Scratch, weapons dealing gang around here. I like to be well informed on my patients as you have taught me."

Porrim traced her tattoos absentmindedly, "So you know that it would be ill-advised to get close to him."

"Of course, Porrim," Kankri said evenly, "What are you suggesting?"

Porrim sighed and stood up, "Just that I know you Kankri. The way you're drawn to certain people. Do be careful, won't you?"

Kankri stood as well, a slight blush creeping up his neck, "Porrim please, when have I ever let emotions get in the way of my professional life?"

Before Porrim had a chance to reply, Kankri left the room. There was a brief pause before Porrim collapsed back into her chair with a sigh. She had something of a sixth sense for relationships and she had a bad feeling about what was to come. 

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