Zachary and the Tree

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Zachery and the Tree

          Once upon a time, long, long ago there was a kingdom that was filled with happiness, love and above all magic. This kingdom was ruled by a beautiful queen named Daphne, who was also kind and gentle. The people of the kingdom loved their queen and did nothing to upset her or give her trouble.

          Queen Daphne had three magic treasures, which were the source of her kingdoms magic. The first treasure was a magic silver flute. Whenever Queen Daphne blew into it all the plants and crops would flourish. The second treasure was a magic white goose. It laid gold and silver eggs for the kingdoms money. The third treasure was a magic sword, with a ruby, sapphire, emerald, diamond and pearl decorated on the handle. It had the magic ability to defeat any enemy and could cut through everything no matter what size or material.

           All was peaceful, but one day something dreadful happened. An ugly, mean, looking, giant arrived at the palace, unexpectedly, and stole both Queen Daphne and her three treasures. After the giant took the queen and three treasures the people of the kingdom became sad and worried. Without Queen Daphne and her three magic treasures the kingdom was doomed. The crops in the fields would never flourish without the magic flute. No one would get money from the magic goose eggs and without the magic sword the kingdom would be destroyed by enemies. No one knew what to do or how to save their queen.

          "I know exactly how to save the queen" said a voice. The voice belonged to Queen Daphne's fairy godmother Felicity.  Everyone listened to what Felicity had to say. "The giant, that took the queen and treasures, is named Valtor, and it may be dangerous to save Queen Daphne from him". She explained that Valtor lived in a giant castle in the sky. Next she took out a seed from her pocket. "This seed," she said "is a magic seed and it will grow right up to Valtors castle in the sky. Now who will accept the mission of rescuing the queen?"

          One person, a young man, stepped forward. "I will rescue the queen" he said. His name was Zachery and was a very brave and loyal soldier. He would do anything to protect the queen and kingdom, even if it meant costing his own life. Felicity and everyone else agreed that Zachery was the right man for the job. So Felicity planted the seed into the ground and watered it. Then by magic the seed sprouted into a little tree, and then suddenly the little tree grew taller, taller and taller. In no time at all the little tree was the tallest tree in the whole world. So tall in fact it reached the sky. Everyone was speechless; they had never seen a tree so tall in their lives. Taking a big gulp Zachery walked up to the tree, and then turned to face everyone.

          "Everyone I will bring back both Queen Daphne and the magic treasures. I will not fail you I promise that."

          He began to slowly climb up the tree, while receiving cheers and shouting's of 'Good luck' and 'Be careful' from everyone. Zachery climbed up and up and up the tree, taking a few breaks now and again. It took a very long time as the magic tree was very, very tall, but finally Zachery reached the top.

          A magnificent sight came upon Zachery when he reached the top. Where the giant Valtor lived was a world of clouds. There were white and grey clouds and many of them were in different shapes and forms. Zachery couldn't believe it; he thought no one could live on top of clouds. Even though there were clouds everywhere, Valtors castle could easily be seen. Valtor's castle wasn't made of cloud, it was a normal stone castle, but very large, and it had of big garden of trees and flowers.

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