Chapter 2

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Walking in to the school that next Monday it felt like everyone was staring at me even though I knew they weren't. I kept my head down and prayed I wouldn't run into Monty but I wasn't that lucky. Monty walked up and put his arm around me. I cold feel my body rinse and suddenly I was frozen to the spot. " Hey baby had fun Friday night.....Hope we can do it again sometime" he wisperd that last part into my hear and suddenly the breathe left my lungs. I ripped my self from his grasp and ran to the bathroom. As I ran in I went straight to the sink and splashed water on to my face and tried to catch my breathe but it hitched again as the door to the bathroom opened and all I could think was he's back and he is gonna do it again. But as I saw a tall blonde I knew it wasn't Monty it was infact Brycem " you can't be in here." I sniffled my eyes were red and swollen from crying. " I saw you run in are you okay.... Was it Monty did he say something." He asked concern written all over his face.i wiped my face with my hand and nodded " Yeah ...he said umm...He said he had fun...and he umm....wanted to do it again sometime." I said and even though I tried not to I began to cry again. "Oh Luce I am so sorry." He said then the bell rang "Thanks I got to get to class." I sad walking past him towards the door. " Hey live." "Yeah" " I'm here you know." " Yeah I know" I said walking by

I have always been I good at school I payed attention got good grades but today I couldn't stay focused I just kept replaying Friday over and over in my head. "Miss. Jane." The teacher said "Miss. Jane" I finally got out of my own head  " Yes ,mam." " You okay you seem to be having a hard time focusing today." "I didn't sleep well last night." She just nodded and continued her lecture. I went back to starting into space.

After class I was walking down the hall way when I was grabbed from behind. I felt fear riddle my body and I threw my self out of the attackers arms expecting to see Monty but instead sawthe worried face of my best friend Justin. "Hey what was that about? where have you been? Why haven't you texted me back." "I am sorry I was really busy this weekend." I said and walked away. I was in the library during study hall when I got a text.
B- " How are You doing."
L-" I don't know"
B-" You wanna talk about it."
L-" I don't know."
B-" alright just come over after school."
L-"What about Chloe."
B-"We broke up."
L-"I am sorry."
B-" You can ride with me after school if you like."
L-" okay."

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