Want and Need

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Hello again, beautiful readers! I'm excited to bring you all a new chapter of Deviant, though I have to admit, I struggled a bit with this one. 

As usual, my weekend is going to be hectic, but I'm hoping to roll out another chapter soon. The next part should be a bit more, erm, smutty, to say the very least, but this chapter is more fluff than anything else. I hope ya'll enjoy it anyways! 

Love ya'll!


The dreadful prison barracks were merely the first signs of livelihood on the Imperion base. 

After the ugly stone buildings diminished into the distance behind them, they drove through the beautiful island countryside for miles, uninterrupted. Deviant was just about to question Sam towards their eventual destination when she caught sight of a singular towering structure, a massive brick building sprawled out across lush green fields. They didn't drive close enough for her to see every detail of the main house, but she viewed the mansion encased in a tall black iron fence, and when she squinted hard enough, could notice the tiny figures passing along the paved walkways surrounding it. It was an Estate, she realized, a very lavish, over the top homestead. 

And it was only the beginning. 

The homes were never too close together. One would rise on the distance, and once it disappeared at their back, it would be a handful of long, drawn out minutes before she could catch sight of another. 

Deviant guessed the car was cruising at about forty miles an hour, and though math and calculating weren't her strong suites, she gathered that the walking distance wouldn't be favorable for her. And still they continued driving further and further from her potential salvation... 

Eventually, however, they turned from the main road, and pulled up to an impressive set of steel gates that were actually maned by an armored guard. He was big and burly and unquestionably Imperion, yet another setback to her already fragile plan of escape. Had she the energy, Deviant would've grumbled, but instead, she pressed herself further back into the now warm leather and sucked in a breath. 

A glance from Sam proved he was somewhat aware of her displeasure, but only the smallest uptick of his gorgeous lips was given. 

When the gates parted and their car rolled forwards, they slowly cruised down a pathway framed with high palm trees and thick, dark green hedges. The foliage spiraled up so high that the sunlight was almost completely blocked out, and pale shafts of it dappled the concrete in patterns that left her momentarily blinded. She couldn't help but blink to ease the stinging in her eyes, and when she had finally rubbed away the grimy film coating her eyelashes, a gorgeous Mediterranean house was filling her vision. 

The outside was painted a subtle burnt orange, framed in white, and the tiles topping the roof were a eye-catching shade of red. While not as large as the majority of houses they'd passed, she found it much more fitting for the setting, something she could admire without being overwhelmed. Which she most certainly did, taking in the neatly manicured plants strategically placed about, enjoying the splashes of pinks, yellows, and reds that she could see off in the distance. 

"...It is lovelier on the inside." The deep rumble of her companion broke through Deviants momentary distraction, and before she could help herself, green eyes were turning to take him in. His expression was strange, contemplative, considerate, but entirely self-assured, as if he knew his captured omega would take great joy in the home he'd forcefully taken her to. Her new home, if his possession was to be approved... 

It was on the very tip of her tongue, a nasty rebuke, a scathing comment, but when she tensed up and he returned the gestured with an arched eyebrow, Deviant once more backed down. Her anger was quick to ebb, to sweep away beneath the weight of her growing anxiety, and the tightness in her stomach didn't ease when the car finally slowed to a smooth halt beneath the double doors that would no doubt lead to her damnation. 

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