"i should've came down to see if you're okay." he whispers, as he hears my footsteps walking past him. i lean down and sit next to him. i lean my head on his shoulder, and grab his hand. he looks at my other hand.

i sign to him, 'they would have hurt you'. he shakes his head and grips my hand tighter.

"that doesn't matter i could've stopped you from getting hurt. i should protect you."

'you don't get paid to do that.'

"i don't care i'm tired of them hurting you, i'm tired of sitting up here and listening to all the pain they inflict on you. i should take action, or buy us an apartment, something."

'they wouldn't allow that.' he sighs.

"i'm sorry, roan. i'm so sorry you have to live like this every day of your life."

'don't apologize, now let's go to sleep'. he nods and i give him a hug before going to my room. first, i change into pajamas. then i grab a cigarette off my bedside table, my phone, and the slip of paper michael gave me. i open the window to my room then go out and sit on the roof. before the accident my parents decked out the roof for me. they put a fence, so i wouldn't fall, and added some flowers. i grab the lighter i have stashed out here, along with some of the weed i had bought a week ago.

i light the weed and inhale the smoke, loving the feeling it gives me. i close my eyes and just breathe. after awhile i am high and then i light the cigarette. it burns at my lungs, but the pain helps me forget everything wrong in my life. i pick up the napkin from the coffee shop and my phone. then i'm putting the number in and without thinking immediately text him.

-this is the girl u bumped into @ the coffee shop. my name is roan btw

while i await for his response i climb back inside and grab the rest of the pack of cigarettes. i light another and lift it to me lips, inhaling deeply. my phone rings and i look down, seeing michael was the one to send me a text.

-i love ur name, roan, it's beautiful like u

-can i come over to ur place or u come to mine?

-come to mine, parents aren't home

-ok, pick me up?

-sure, address?

i text him the address, then change into a pair of skinny jeans, a long sleeves crop top, and black combat boots. i grab my cigarettes and lighter then leave the house. i wait outside, and decide to light another cigarette. after one more whole cigarette, a car comes to a stop in front of my house and michael gets out of the car.

"cigarettes?" i nod and finish the cigarette and drop it to the ground, then stomp on it, until it goes out. he motions for me to follow him and i do so. he opens the passenger door for me, and i smile at him. he runs around to the drivers side, then speeds off. it only takes a few minutes to reach his house.

"how am i supposed to talk to you without your translator?" he asks as we enter his house. i pull out my phone and and wave it around. he nods and pulls his out.

-how come u asked to come over?

-i was lonely nd u seem cool as fuck

i look up and michael is smiling at me. his lips look even sweeter than at the coffee shop..

i find myself putting my phone down, then wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling his body to mine. i attach our lips and kiss him hungrily. he hesitates for a minute, before grabbing my hips and kissing me back.

"jump." he mumbles against my lips. i do as he says and he grabs my thighs then places me on the counter behind us. i run my hands all along his chest and back. he bites my lip and i open my mouth, knowing he wants to french kiss me. he moves his tongue all around my mouth

as he rubs his hands along my hips. i move my hips back and forth against him and he moans a little. "you taste like cigarettes..i like it." he says against my lips.

i tug on the bottom of his shirt and he pulls it off for me, then reconnects our lips. this is such a great distraction from the world. with every touch, and movement of his hands and lips, i forget more and more. he's like alcohol, i'm drunk off of him.

he pulls on my shirt and i let him take it off me. he bites his lip as he looks at me, and i smirk at him but start to blush. his lips go to my neck and he's kissing and biting and licking up and down it. i move my head towards his neck and kiss and suck on it as he does so to mine. he gingerly touches my boobs and i moan slightly against his neck. i touch him through his jeans and then he freezes.

"roan..we barely know each other." he states pulling away from me. i then cover my chest, realizing what i did. i grab my phone off the counter.

-im sorry. when i started kissing u i was high i was trying to forget some things

he grabs his phone, once he hears the ding. he looks at the message then sighs. "let me take you home, ro." i nod, and grab my shirt off the ground. michael grabs his keys and i follow him out the door.

• • •

hi hi hi i have updated chapter dos (two for those who don't know Spanish) thank u all for reading

silenced - m.g.c.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon