moving in

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you were finally moving into your dream apartment, it had everything you could've asked for, two bedrooms, a kitchen, space, isolation. It was a dream come true for you.

As you were moving boxes in, you heard a knock on your door, you turned around to see you two best friends standing there with bags of food.

Maya: well this is definitely not what I was expecting when you said a dream apartment, but good enough

Brooke: we brought food!!

you ran over and hugged them

You: oh my gosh, thank you guys so much, I was beginning to think you guys were going to stop feeding me since I moved away

Maya: Hey, just because you moved away doesn't mean we aren't going to stuff food down your throat

They both came in and put their bags of food on the counter in the kitchen and went to help get boxes

You went out in the hallway and looked over to see your neighbor unlocking his door

You: oh hey! I'm your new neighbor, y/n

He looked at you up and down, smirked and went into his apartment

Maya: well that was weird

You: yeah it was

You couldn't help but feel the weird urge to go to him after that, you ignored it and continued bringing in boxes.

///3 hours later///

You: thank you guys so much for helping, I'll see you guys later, don't talk to strangers

They both gave you a hug and left, you closed the door and plopped yourself on the couch and turned on the TV.

You didnt realize you fell asleep till you opened your eyes and it was dark outside

You got up and picked up the place a little bit and heard some screaming from next door, you ran out and immediately start banging on the door

The man answered, he was chill, calm. You on the other hand weren't

You: what the hell were those screams

Lady: oh kookie are you going to be coming back?

He looked up at you smiling shyly

You looked at him red in the face

You: do you think you could um keep it down please

Kook: we will try to, I'll just have to be more delicate

You shivered and walked off, closing your door and immediately going to your room to sleep.

//morning time//

It was Saturday so you had nothing to do all day, you decided to go for a jog around the block. You started heading out when your neighbor and his girlfriend came out and split ways.

Jungkook: um I've never introduced myself to you, hi, I'm jungkook, sorry about the noise last night

You: yeah no problem

You started to walk by him to leave till he took your hand

Jungkook: do you happen to have a boyfriend?

You: wouldnt your girlfriend have a problem with you asking that?

Jungkook: not my girlfriend, kind of just a fling

You shook your head and laughed

You: no I dont have a boyfriend, but frankly that's none of your business, now if you'll excuse me

You pulled your hand out of his grip and left but in another second he was behind you, whispering in your ear

Jungkook: don't you want to experience the screaming sensation like she did?

You ran away and left the building as fast as you could.

You: what a fucking creep! God

And as you were running, you ran into another person, toppling on top of them

Man: ow what the hell

You: omg I'm so sorry, I didnt see where I was going

He looked up at you and stopped, his face calmed

Man: oh it's fine, it's not everyday you run into a beautiful girl, quite literally, are you hurt?

You blushed and smiled

You: no are you?

Man: no I'm ok, I'm Jack, and you are?

You: y/n

Jack: y/n...what a pretty name, well y/n can I have your number?

You: sure

You guys got up and he handed you his phone, as you put in your number, you felt a weird feeling like someone was looking at you, glaring at you almost

You: um text me, I have to go, bye!

You waved and ran off.

nextdoor neighbors •j.jk•Where stories live. Discover now