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NOTE: This is not real mythology, I created this for an assignment and for fun. This piece will be in my book coming out the end of this year. Please do not steal my writing. Please enjoy this story and forgive the cringy parts it is the first draft. 

Long ago in a land surrounded by ocean there was a woman named Nanipua. She was a beautiful woman with eyes as angelic and blue as the ocean. Her hair was made of pure light and shimmered with the colors of the rainbow. Her skin was soft as peaches and was the sun kist color of the sand. Nan pua wore a magnificent dress made of bark and palm tree leaves. The dress was sewn together with the milky white silk of lady spider, and decorated with luminescent shells and pearls from the guardian of the sea Kaikoa. Her hair was full of feathers given to her as a gift from Ali'i Pueo the chief bird. These feathers had been blessed by the north night Akau Po to give the wearer of the feathers the gift of flight. One day Nanipua was singing to the creatures while sewing spider webs with lady spider. Suddenly a strong voice came from the heavens. The soothing voice came from Maui. His song was as strong as the volcanoes of Oahu, swift as the Hanakoa river, and as graceful as the north winds. Maui had a strong build with bronze skin, his hair was black and silver and his eyes were as gray with a hint of gleaming silver. He was as strong as ten men with the grace and playfulness of a rabbit, and kindness and gentleness of a flower. Around his neck he wore a jade fishers hook, that was lined with enchanted white pearl. Around his waist, Maui wore a lava lava of silver, copper, and blue. His chest bore the symbol of wind. The wind spirit had been watching Nanipua and whispered to her many times but every time Nanipua looked at him he would soar away. So Maui decided to sing to Makuahine Mahina(mother moon) and to Makua Kane wakea( father sky) for answers, and little did he know that Nanipua was listening. Nani pua fell instantly in love with Maui. Her heart fluttered with every note that he sang. Maui's song was full of emotion, grace, power. His song was so powerful, the thunder and the trees sang along. You could see the ocean dancing and the rivers roaring to the beat. Every word mesmerized all who listened.

Through sun and rain; through joy and fear.

My heart pounds as the drums for her, as sharp as a spear.

I love her mother

I love her father

I beg of thee what of word to let her hear

My heart is swift s the wind, but as ice I freeze

Her love I hunger, her smile I praise, through time I cannot phrase.

Makuahine Mahina, and Makua Kane wakea answered not. Maui continued singing as he worked, as he filled the sails of sailors, as he spread the seeds, as he made the waves bigger. He sang and he sang until his heart was about to burst. Maui's eyes full of tears flew to Mauna Loa and prayed. Maui was about to sing his last song when he heard an elegant and small voice behind him. The voice came from Nani Pua. Maui just looked at her surprised, confused, happily, and sadly. She had asked him "Why are you at the volcano of sacrifice?" Maui could say nothing and so Nani Pua Just took him in her arms and sang to him her feelings. Together hand in hand they left Mauna Loa and went to mount Waialeale, the mountain of two hearts. There mother moon and father sky married them. Upon that day they went to Pu'uka'oku falls and became one with the earth and wind. To this day whenever the day is peaceful and and the wind is blowing, If you listen you will hear Maui singing his love to Nanipua as she dances to his song.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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