Chapter 2: Hopeless and a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel

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A few days later

As time goes by, the usual hot, sunny June weather hasn't changed much, and so has a certain guy's routine. Right now, a familiar young man, with the bowl haircut, is dashing into a hospital, hoping about something. He prays that this time, he will be able to get in, will be able to visit a certain friend, someone he has missed for a long time.

He hopes that girl is still fine, with nothing bad about her. He hopes that after that accident, she is recovered and ready to meet him.

The girl he is trying to find is unlucky. Within one night, she has lost everything, and that "everything" was her family. She lost the other four sisters, she lost her dad, but how cruel reality was, she didn't know about it. She almost ended up like her family, but with seconds left, she was saved. However, until she's out of conscious, she still knows nothing about it. It's like a flashing dream to her.

Back to the young man, he is now trying to find her hospital room, something he has done many times before, but they just kept refusing his request.

"Nurse, remember me?!" He slammed his hands on the receptionist table, got the attention from the nurses. "I need to find my friend's room! Please help me this time!"

"Ah, Fuutarou Uesugi-san. I do remember you." The nurse said with a smile, but quickly turned into a frown. "You were the one who kept dashing in here, annoying other patients, and just kept asking for your friend's room every time! Can't you just ignore this place just one day? You're becoming our nightmare!"

"I-It's not like I just came here every-"

"You came here every single day! Thanks to you, we even know what day it was without looking at the calendar!" The nurse shouted at him angrily, made Fuutarou flinch. But sooner or later, he can predict what the result is, even without asking. It's just so usual to him.

"... I still can't visit her, can I?" Fuutarou said sadly, with a frown on his face. Then the nurse types something on her computer, seems like she is searching for a name.

"Fuutarou Uesugi-san... still the same patient as last time, am I right?" The nurse asked again to make sure she had picked the right one, so Fuutarou nodded as an answer. Then she takes another glance at the computer screen and turns to him after that.

"Go upstairs, take the corridor on the left. Itsuki Nakano's room is at the end of the corridor." The nurse said, made Fuutarou smile brightly, full of relief. "Just make sure not to bother her. Lately, she's been very... strange..."

"I understand, nurse! Thank you!" Fuutarou bowed down, and headed straight upstairs, exciting and hoping to actually meet Itsuki, someone he has long missed, someone he's relieved to be alive, out of that horrific tragedy.

'Wait for me, Itsuki! I'm coming!'


Fuutarou's POV

I run straight upstairs, turn left as the nurse told me and head to the end of the corridor, but when I finally reach her room, something bothers me quite a bit. Different from the corridor, which is colored with neon green from the light, and also the rooms, which light has turned on, Itsuki's room, or at least I believe so, is very dark. There is almost nothing can be seen inside, except a sitting figure on the hospital bed, so I think it's probably her.

Still a little unsure about my prediction, I try to find someone trusty to ask and get a nearby doctor. "Hey, this is Itsuki Nakano's room, right?" I asked the doctor.

"First time at the hospital? Just look at the board hanging on the door! I'm on a rush! You're welcome!" The doctor said loudly and left straight away. Rude. But I have to agree that this is my first time at here, or actually get closer inside, so I'm not very used to board-hanging-on-door thing. Speaking about it, every other doors also have signs hanging on, like these rooms are the zoo cages, with animal's name and its habit on it. Weird.

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