"Who is that mommy," Renessme said as she was behind Jacob leg as Harry was hugging his sister behind Seth.

"I think that's our cousin from Denali IRINA!" Bella yelled

"Stay here," I said as me and Bella ran up to the mountain but we didn't see her we looked down and noticed she jumped in the water.

"We should head back," I said

"Yeah," Bella said

We run down and I noticed that it was Renessme and Jacob.

"Where is Harry, Sarah, and Seth," I said as Renessme pointed behind me I look behind me and see 2 little wolves and Seth I see Seth holding on in his mouth as he try to stop the other from running off as I chuckled.

"Don't tell me that is Harry and Sarah," I said

"Yup," I heard Jacob in my head as I groaned.

"Harry, Sarah," I said as the looked at me as Seth put one of them down as they ran at me and tackled me as I laughed

"Harry, Sarah," I said as the looked at me as Seth put one of them down as they ran at me and tackled me as I laughed

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"Hi mommy," Sarah said (Gray one)

"This is cool," Harry said (Blackish one)

"I see you got my side, let's go show your father," I said as I changed into my wolf form as I told Seth to grab Sarah as I grabbed Harry since they not fully grown there wolf is still small. As we run to the house as Jacob changed back him form as me and Seth stayed in Wolf to make sure Harry and Sarah don't run off.

"EDWARD!" I yelled in my head.

"You dont have to yell," Edward said annoyed coming outside until he realize whats going on.

"OH Jasper," Edward yelled as Jasper came outside looking confused.

"What Edward," Jasper said as Edward pointed over to me showing him the 2 wolves.

"They transformed," Jacob said walking next to Jazz

"Edward tell Jazz they say their names so we can get them to stay still so we can turn them back," I thought

"Jasper Sky want you to call their name so they can calm down," Edward said

"Harry, SKy," Jasper said as both wolves turned there heads and see there father as they run over and tackled him as everyone was laughing. As Carlisle came out.

"This is Marvelous they have the wolf genes too," Carlisle said as I turned back to human form with Seth as I found some shorts and a sports Bra.

"Yeah Jasper watch them as I get them clothes," I said as he nodded trying to get Sarah and Harry to stop licking him. I went upstairs and grabbed clothes for Harry and Sarah as I came back down the stairs.

"Ok guys its time to go back to normal," I said as they try to give me the puppy eyes which was hard to ignore but I still said no.

"Ok mommy," They said as I took Sarah as Jacob took Harry as we turned them back to normal.

"That was awesome," Harry said as we chuckled as we all went in the living room as Carlisle started to talk about Irina

"Tonya convinced Irina to come and give an apology," Carlisle said

"Well it looks like she changed her mind," Edward said

"Seeing Jacob and Seth must have been to much for her," Esme said

"I wish we could have spoken to her," Bella said

"She's family she'll come around," Carlisle said as I clasped as Alice grabbed a vase as we was pulled into a vision.


We see a lot of vampires coming and realize it was the Volturi


As I put my hand to forehead as Japer helped me up as Luke ran to Alice.

"What is it Alice," Luke said

"The Volturi they're coming for us," me and ALice said

"Aro, Marcus,  Ciaus the guard," Alice said as I looked at Carisle

"And Irina," I said

"Honey come here," Bella said as Renessme ran into Bella arms as Harry and Sarah ran over to me and jasper

"Why," Carlisle said

"What did Irina see in the woods," Jasper said

"You did transform right," Carlisle said as I shook my head

"We were just walking," Bella said

"The kids were catching snowflakes

Edward read they're minds and gasp.

 "Of course Irina thinks that the kids are immortal Children," Edward said

"What?" I said as we walked to the Library as the kid was with Rose upstairs. As Carlisle puts a book in front of me and Bella .

Sky Swan (Jasper love story)Where stories live. Discover now