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I slowly walk out the door, closing it behind me slowly being sure not wake her and interrogated. I hop into my car, driving to his home. For some reason I'm really nervous, I have no reason to be he's a guy that I might have a slight attraction to but can't date because I'm with my over controlling girlfriend. I know I said he's my 'person' but after our conversation I really like that idea rather my reality.

I get to his house, the feelings coming back before I even get to the door. I start to get tears in my eyes, I just feel weak around him. I feel like I can just spill my guts and he won't judge. "Hi," I say quietly as he opens the door with a smile. "Hi, Corbyn." Jonah says softly as he invites me in. "This feels weird, I have the feelings I don't know if I should act on." I say as look up at him looking for some sort of answer.

"Maybe you should, who knows maybe it could benefit you. You never know, just take the leap, baby." I blush like crazy as we both have slight smirks on our faces. He tilts his head down in embarrassment of his actions. "Y'know I think that person you called baby might actually take the leap after all. He likes the sound of being with you after all." I say, with that glisten in my eyes.

"Oh yeah, does this friend...I don't know? Wanna kiss me?" He says as the sexual tension rises higher as if it couldn't. "Yeah, he kinda does, I told him to take the leap and he's down but doesn't want to hurt his girlfriend because he still cares a bit." I say as my voice gets sadder. "He won't, and if she doesn't see that he's happy he didn't deserve her." As soon as he says that, I smash my lips on his. It was long over due, Jonah moans softly as I take that opportunity to deepen the kiss slightly.

"See. I told. You maybe. It could benefit. You." He says speaking when he can in between kisses. "You were right, now shut the hell up and make out with me, Jonah." I say with a slight dominant tone in my voice.

We pull apart for air as I say, "Damn Marais you're a good kisser," "Thanks babe..." we say blushing as the nickname rolls off his tongue. "Like I said, if you take the leap, maybe it could benefit you." He says ruffling with my hair as I let out a hum of pleasure. "Y'know, I've wanted this to happen the day we met." I say as I put my head on his chest.

"Me too love. So what does this make...us?" Jonah asks blushing, looking down insecurely. "Friends with benefits right now. I'm still dating Christina, sadly." I say smiling softly towards him, "Then break up with her Corbs, she doesn't deserve you, she's..." I cut him off, "I know Jo, she's controlling, I know that I don't deserve her, I deserve someone better...you. I just can't right now though, I mean we could..." "What, love?"

I blush at the nickname, "I could date you and still be with her, just trust me I love you though I've always been more into guys..." he chuckles a bit, "I love you too. Angel, I'm so glad this can happen now are we going too fast? Will she hate us?" I could see he was getting anxious, "Baby, slow down breathe. Do you think so? If you think so we can slow down we only did just make out minutes ago after we started dating so I get it if..." "Shut up, let's stop being anxious nervous messes  and live in the moment baby." He says making me blush, as we just lay there in each other's arms.

A/n I hate school, stay amazing

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