Part 2

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Jenny was at home by herself and she was waiting for her parents to come home from work. In the meantime she was reading a horror story which was about 4 pages long since the whole book had little short stories, it's not as if she was scared or anything she could handle herself without getting scared of a story.

As night came, Jenny went around the house closing the curtains and turning on the lights. She got herself something to eat before going back upstairs into her room and turning on the lights there, but the spooks she got from the story were now haunting her but she willed herself not to be scared as they were just stories. It was now 9:30 and her parents should be home in 15 minutes, but she didn't know that in the 15 minutes she had to survive a chain of horrors that were coming her way it was either die or survive.

Jenny was in her room occupying herself by talking to friends on facebook and kik. It got a little cold in her room, so she went downstairs to turn on the heating in the house so step by step she walked down the stairs ignoring the voices in head that were saying 'Ghosts are going to hunt you' or 'The grudge is coming for you' she turned on the kitchen light and turned the heating on, she turned the light off and closed the kitchen door and ran up the stairs leaving the darkness of the downstairs hallway that had a dim light on.

She turned on her computer again and the time said '21:31' 14 minutes she thought in her mind. It was getting windier outside and the creeks of the house erupted through the roof and ceiling of her bedroom scaring her. She ignored them because her crush came online on facebook.

'Hey' He said

'Hi' She replied

'U okay?' He asked, butterflies swarmed through her stomach and she grinned

'Yeah, the wind is making the house creek' She said

'Dw about it I could come over if u want' He said. She looked at the computer and wondered how the hell he knew where she lived. Her phone rang making her jump, she held a hand to her chest calming her fast beating heart.

'Hello?' She asked

'You know, Jenny you should always keep your doors locked.' The voice sounded familiar

'Craig?'She asked, it was her crush on the phone

'Hello stranger.' Her scream got cut short when a hand shut her mouth. It was Craig's voice

'If I remove my hand you won't scream?' He asked her, she shook her head for no. He removed his hand away from her mouth slowly keeping his eyes locked on hers not trusting her.

'How did you get in here?' She asked, her voice laced with fear

'I have my ways, angel. Now.' He said. He got a sharp knife out and Jenny gasped, he looked away from the knife and at her scared expression and smirked

'There is no need to be scared.' He said, eyeing the knife again

'W-what are you going to do to me?' She stammered

'Not what am I going to do to you, what I'm going to do with you.' She eyes bulged out of her sockets as she jumped up from her bed and ran to the door, Craig's hand jumped out and pulled her back by her foot. She tried to kick him and punch him but it didn't effect him what so ever

'You need to learn to fight.' He whispered in her ear as he pulled her closer. She whimpered as his grip tightened on her wrists, she knew there were going leave marks on her wrist.

'Please leave me alone.' Jenny whispered

'No can do. You have a crush on me and I want my way with you, isn't that what girls want their crushes to do?' he whispered in her ear as she struggled from his grip

'I'm 16. I don't want to lose my virginity to you.' She said, then she got an idea.

'Babe, don't lie to me.' He whispered in her ear again, she moaned, acting to save her life.

'You like that?' His sickly voice whispered again, she rubbed herself on him making him groan and his grip loosened. She turned herself around before straddling him and rubbing on his hard on more. Her eye caught the knife and when she could see that he was too busy enjoying himself, she grabbed the knife and poked it where his heart was beating unsteadily.

'Get the fuck out of my house before I kill you.' She whispered in his ear. He froze and a smirk rested on his lips

'I know your secret.' He said, this time she froze. She leaned back, still straddling him and looked into his eyes

'What secret?' She asked, worried that he might actually know her secret

'That you seduce and kill.' She had a sly smile on her face

'Guess you can't tell anyone now.' She said and plunger the knife into his chest as he gasped and spluttered out blood. She smiled at him as his eyes slowly faded away, his life becoming shorter and shorter she kissed him on the lips blood pouring into her mouth and explored him.

'You taste good.' She said, and took the knife out, he breathed in again and his eyes closed as he slowly died, the last trace of him was the smirk that rested on his lips. She looked at the clock and it read 21:42...only 3 minutes to go before her parents came, she had time to clean everything.

Jenny got up smiling and hummed as she wiped the blood clean and put it in her draw, she didn't realise the figure behind her as she was walking downstairs to the washing machine.

'I would have loved to fuck you, Jenny.' Craig's voice breathed into her ear making her gasp and turn around as the knife plunged into her stomach making her fall to the floor. Craig fell on top of her , crushing her body and taking the life out of her as he died himself.

When Jenny's parents did come, they found both of them dead. Her mother called the police and the bodies were taken away, her father consoled Jenny's mother as she cried for her daughter, but a note was on Jenny's bed and it read the words:

The seductress will be out to haunt and kill again...

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