Nuan's Dark Secret

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After the gala incident, Nuan was forced to take the next few days off. She was sneaking around the halls of Nanba Prison, she needed to talk to Mitsuru. Her hair was in a ponytail, she wore a blue grey off shoulder shirt with jean shorts

 Her hair was in a ponytail, she wore a blue grey off shoulder shirt with jean shorts

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and yellow checkered shoes with a gold ankle bracelet.

Inori was watching over her, and she quickly realized that he wasn't the sharpest

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Inori was watching over her, and she quickly realized that he wasn't the sharpest. She had managed to sneak passed all of the guards, even her own husband. She soon found herself in front of the security room door. Nuan reached for the door but a foot was placed on the door way.

"Hold it," A female voice said, "You're not suppose to leave your apartment. Where do you think you're going!?"

Nuan turned her head to the left to see a female with dark skin, vibrant violet eyes, an hourglass figure and straight shoulder length dark hair.

Nuan turned her head to the left to see a female with dark skin, vibrant violet eyes, an hourglass figure and straight shoulder length dark hair

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She raised an eyebrow at Nuan, her dark lips had a pout to it and had her arms crossed.

"Well?" She took her foot off of the doorway.

"Don't 'well' me, Ahmya," Nuan scoffed, "I have to talk to Mitsuru."

"About your pregnancy?"

"Is is that obvious!?"

"No, you left your pregnancy test on your desk two days ago."

Nuan rolled her eyes and looked at Ahmya; she was 5'9 so she was a little taller than Samon and Nuan. Ahmya was a nurse as well. Nuan clicked her tongue, before smirking.

"You know, I've been meaning to introduce you to Mitsuru," She sang, "I'm sure he's your type, tall, dark, piercings, and has a tattoo."

Ahmya wore a satin blue shirt and tight black high waisted jeans pants.

Ahmya wore a satin blue shirt and tight black high waisted jeans pants

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She removed her black and white tennis shoes from the door.

She removed her black and white tennis shoes from the door

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Before opening the secruity room door herself.

"You've got five minutes," Ahmya said.

"You've always been easily persuaded if a guy is involved." Nuan stuck out her tongue playfully.

The two walked in and Mitsuru tyrned around in his chair with a smile on his face.

"If it isn't why favorite nurse," Mitsuru said, "Who's your friend, she gorgeous."

"This is Ahmya Endo, she's a fellow nurse, as well as one of my best friend. She's been watching over me all day." Nuan introduced Ahmya.

"So Samon know about the baby yet?"

"No, which is why I came here to talk to you. "

Mitsuru smile dropped when her head did, he sat up in his chair with worry.

"Hey," His voice was soft, "Is everything alright?"

"No." Nuan spoke above a whisper.

"What's wrong?" Ahmya took Nuan's hand.

"If I tell you both, you have to promise me not to tell Samon." Nuan sighed.

They two nodded.

"I'm thinking about getting rid of the baby," Nuan said.

"Why!?" The two almost said in unison.

Tears ran down her cheeks.

"Samon...isn't the father."

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