Prologue: The Woman with the Scars

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~I'm probably gonna get a lot of shit for this But... to me, Pyro is male.... Ok? Ok. And if I hear one more god damn thing about game theory I will hunt you down, rip your guts out, skin you alive, and mount your head on a pike in front of my my yard. ITS JUST A THEORY!!!!! Until valve let's us know Pyro's gender, I am going to call Pyro a dude. GOT IT? ok now that my rant is over here's the story!~

The REDs and the BLUs were currently have a match on who can get their inteligence.

The (red/blu) Spy had inveltrated the (red/blu) ranks and was now slowly making his way to the intel.

As he quietly made his way down a long hall, he heard a laugh of a woman. The laugh was pained, as if she had been beaten and locked up for many years.

Spy cloaked and pulled out his butterfly knife.

"That won't do you any good," the woman's voice said with a cough.

Spy followed the sound of the coughing and eventually stumbled into the (red/blu) medic's lab.

He saw a young woman, around the age of 21, in a strait jacket, and chained to the wall in the corner.

Her eyes were clouded with saddness and dispair, her long (hair color) hair in tangles, and she had brusing and multiple cuts on her body. What really caught Spy's attention was the strange brusing and puncture wounds on the side of here neck.

The girl laughed madly, "I know you're here Spy... I can hear you breathing..."

She stopped laughing and stared at the ground.... She then quickly shot her head up and looked straight at Spy who was still cloaked, "get out of here now! The medic and heavy are coming! get out now!"

Spy was confussed at first then sure enough, foot steps were heading his way.

Spy quickly got out of there before anyone could see him, and just in time too, because his cloak wore off.

I have to get that girl out of there! Spy thought as he ran back to the (red/blue) base to get reinforcements.

~sorry for the shortness But its late and I'm tired XD I'll hopefully write more and post it tomorrow~

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