Part 13

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As Byleth was snuggling with Flayn loving every second with the cinnamon roll even tho it was acouple minutes since they were kissing Flayn passed out in your arms Byleth felt tired and slowly closed her eyes she woke up a acouple seconds later she was in the throne room where she always sees sothis "so you've stole a lot of people's hearts that's...interesting..." byleth looked up to see sothis she was turning away from you you couldn't tell what she was doing but all sothis was doing was biting her thumb "sothis are you ok?..." as byleth put her hand on sothis's shoulder she flinched forward alittle "sothis?.....should I come another time you seem...conflicted.." sothis sat down on her throne byleth saw her face was kinda red she told him to come to her with her finger byleth wasn't sure if she wanted to but felt her legs move for her she stared down at sothis she signaled byleth to rest her head on her lap so byleth did
" ok?...your kinda s-" at that moment she put her finger to Byleths lips telling her to hush byleth did but was super confused until she grabbed each side of Byleths head keeping her their and slowly bent down kissing her lips Byleth stared at sothis who kept kissing byleth's lips soon byleth melted into the kiss hugging sothis to her in an awkward angle as they stopped kissing and pulled away she looked up at sothis "y-you got all these guys and girls who love you and yet I'm stuck here unable to do a thing until you come here...I waited long enough I-I'm sorry but you stole my heart...." she looked down but Byleth hugged her "it's fine...and if it means anything I'm glad you like me so much the feelings are mutual I love you sothis.." sothis quickly hugged back burying her face to Byleths chest "so you got so many people in love with you what are your plans for that" byleth started thinking about all the people who she kissed and was in bed with "wait earlier you said boys to what boys like me?..." sothis sighs "how can you be so dense a lot of people at the school have a crush on you it's very obvious...the 2 kids watching the girls grope you in your sleep what were their names again...Dimitri and Claude they like you a lot...I was unclear about but Dimitri at first.." Byleth didn't know what to say she thought only these 4 girls liked her but she is apparently very attractive to everyone at the school "hmm it appears our time is up...sothis pouts not wanting byleth to go "I'll be back sothis I promise you" she kissed sothis in the lips sothis happily kissed back not wanting her to leave "see ya sothis" Byleth disappears and sothis sits on her throne and pouts missing Byleths kisses when byleth woke up it was morning Flayn was under the blankets hugging your waist her head in your chest "mornin kid will be heading out soon I'll get you and Flayn...where is Flayn? that moment Flayn moved alittle under the blankets so jeralt looked at byleth and moved the blanket to see her clinging to byleth body  her legs intertwined with Byleths and rubbing her face into Byleths chest which earned a moan from Byleth who covered her mouth quickly as she looked up she saw jeralt already gone "F-F-Flayn get up...we will be leaving s-shor-" byleth moaned again as Flayn was kissing Byleths chest thinking it was her lips to her disappointment she had on pajamas "a-ahh..m-maybe we can stay a-alittle longer here..." half an hour later Flayn and byleth were getting ready Flayn was super rested as Byleth yawns alittle feeling she didn't get as much good rest as she wanted "thank you for being my teddy bear Byleth I forgot mine at the monastery" she smiled cutely "it's fine it was really relaxing.." byleth kept feeling sorry for her Teddy bear but felt kinda happy she was the teddy bear as they left after eating to the carriage getting ready to leave they head half way their to the destination what they didn't notice was Bernadette still asleep in the back where their bags are still haven't been found out

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