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Chapter 1: Why


Hello!!!! This is (I'm hoping) going to be my first official book!!! Yay 😁!!!



       It's been a year. 365 days. 8760 hours. The clock ticked to 2:34 pm. Exactly. That was the exact time he walked out my house and most importantly, my life. I might seem clingy but it's what a normal person would do if their best friend walked out of their life and never texted them since. He hasn't even bothered to call.

After the first week I knew something was wrong. He hadn't shown up at school and he wasn't answering any of my calls or texts. At first I thought he was sick or something so I decided to pay him a visit. When I arrived at his house, there was a sign stating that his house was for sale. I still walked up to the door and rang the door bell ignoring the sign, hoping it was the neighbours house instead.

Instead of Tate, a large man wearing a suit greeted me. He asked me if I was looking to buy the house, and I couldn't believe it. Or I refused to believe it. I thought it was a prank, a stupid prank Tate had pulled on me. That's what I had thought for a month. Before I gave up. Completely. I had to face the truth that my best friend just walked out of my life and there was nothing I could do about it.


       The sunlight was overwhelming. It was blinding me, way too bright.

I groaned as I attempted to close the curtains. And of course miserably failing. Why do I forget to close it last night? Stupid me. I rubbed my eyes. Yay. Monday morning. Couldn't be more happy.

I stumbled down the stairs with my backpack hanging loosely in my shoulders. Today was the first day of hell. In other words, the dreaded school. I grabbed an apple off of the counter and left. I didn't bother saying bye to my mom. It's not like she cares anyway.

And so I began the dreaded walk to school.


Once I got there, I pulled out my schedule just on time as the bell rang.
I quickly skinned my eyes over the schedule and started to run to my first class. Which I knew for a fact was on the other side of the school. That stup-


I bumped into a wall. A brick wall. That hurt like hell. I rubbed my head as I came face to face with a very familiar face.


"Tate." I was happy but mad at the same time. I get like jumping and hugging him as well as screaming and strangling his neck. I choose to ignore him and brushed past his shoulder. Fudge. I was gonna be late. On the first day, probably not the best thing to do.

I heard Tate shout behind me,
"Watch where you're going." He said in a cold tone.

"Loser," he added.

I could feel my face getting red with anger. How dare he say that to me! He's the one who disappears for a year and doesn't call or text me. I felt like kicking him where the sun don't shine and pinching that pretty face of his. Wait did I just say pretty? I meant ugly dammit. The sleep deprivation must be getting to me.

I slowly opened the door to my first class which was chemistry. The teacher stopped mid sentence and glared at me.

"Sit." He ordered. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to make my way to the back of the class.

"Oh, and detention after class." He added and got back to teaching. Wow Kara first day and your already getting detention. I groaned as I rested my head back against the wall.

"Hi! I'm Reyna!" The girl beside me said, with a smile.

Tate was my only friend in school so making other friends would be a good idea since he has gotten all psycho on me.

I returned the smile, "Hi,  I'm Kara, nice to meet you." And extended my arm for her to shake.


So what do you think?

First impressions?

I'm sorry for the short chapter. It's just cuz it's the first chapter and alll sooooooooooo ya. The first few chapters might not be the best . I'm still getting used to writing here and stufff.

Peace out ✌️

Everything We Have LostOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz