2: c o i n c i d e n c e

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Chapter 2: Coincidence


I rushed back from school. I had tons of homework, like seriously it's the first day why can't we be let off easy! I groaned as I dropped my books on my desk.

"Kara!!!" My mom shouted, "get down this instance!"

I knew it wasn't going to be good but I managed to drag my body downstairs slowly. I winced when I saw her. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was holding an empty bottle of beer in her hands. She didn't always be this way. After dad died a a year ago, actually, one month after Tate left, she started drinking until his day and now she's addicted.

She stormed over to me and dragged me by my hair to the living room.

"Ow! Mom! That hurts!" I hissed.

She stared at me before turning red.
"Does it look like I fucking care!" She screamed next to my ear and slammed the bottle over my head. I quickly covered my head with my arms but it wasn't any help. I could feel the tiny knifes sink slowly into my flesh on my arms. She never did that. She never hit me before, let alone smash a beer bottle on my head. Tears were threatening to fall.

"I got fired from my job today!" She screamed. And slammed me against the cold, tile floor. I don't dare say anything so I closed my eyes. Letting the pain take over me.

"It was because of you!" She smashed a bottle on my chest. I screamed as the glass sunk through my clothes. This was enough. I tried to lift myself up but ended up miserably failing and falling back down, hitting my head on the way. She kicked my chest which didn't help the glass that already were inside. She just kicked them deeper. I screamed again and hugged my chest, curling up in a ball. Tears were running down my face as I sobbed slowly. I didn't do anything to her what did I do to deserve this.

"You bitch! Answer me!" She shouted in my face. Her cold, bony fingers were pressed against my cheeks. Her breath reeked of beer.

"I d-don-nt k-now mom," I stuttered. Pressing my eyes shut.

She let out a hiss before storming out the front door slamming it shut. Before she left she shouted to make sure dinner was made by the time she came back.

I lay down on the cold ground. sobbing quietly. She never hit me. She didn't dare drinking when I was around too. The doorbell rang.


I wiped off my tears with my sleeve and pushed myself up with all my might. I slowly made my way over hugging my chest on the way. When I put on a smile I opened the door slightly so the person could only see my face. The blood dropped down my shirt. I was shocked by who it was.


His smile quickly faltered and was replaced my a scowl as he saw me. Seriously, what did I do to him? He scowled. And just waited there.

"What? You gonna let me in or not?" He tapped his foot impatiently.

"Crap" I muttered under my breath.
"I'm sorry I can't right now I - " I doubled over in pain as my wound got deeper. I pressed on it too hard. I hid behind the door. When I came out, he had an amused expression on his face. He didn't see me. I let out a breath of relief.

"Why? You scared I'll see your barbies and dolls you have in your house?" He held back a laugh.

My face turned red.
"I can't. Talk to you later." I slammed the door in his face and kneeled down on the ground. Biting my lip so I wouldn't scream.


Once I was upstairs I made my way to the bathroom so I could remover the prices of glass embedded in my flesh. I hissed as I removed them and wiped the blood off. I guess someone's not going to be handing in their homework tomorrow! I was contemplating whether I should skip tomorrow instead and call in sick but I figured I could hid my cuts with a long sleeve shirt anyway.

I slowly walked to my bed and lied down. And slowly sleep took over me. Tate has just coincidently ended up as my next door neighbour.


Yeah I know. These aren't the longest chapters, but I promise to make them longer in the future! Sorry.

Peace out ✌️


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